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Rhythmic (Illo) edited this page Oct 18, 2022 · 6 revisions

VillagerInfo Wiki

This is the wiki that goes over the config options and default values for the Villager Info plugin.

Information Toggles

These toggles control whether or not these messages will be sent to the player

Toggle Default Appearance
baby-age true
profession true profession-message-example
job-site true poi-location-message-example
last-worked true time-since-worked-message-example
bed-location true home-location-message-example
last-slept true time-since-slept-message-example
inventory true inventory-message-example
restocks true number-of-restocks-message-example
reputation true player-reputation-message-example

Other Options

Option Default
highlight-workstation true
sound-toggle true


Sound must be from this list

Option Default


Length of time In Seconds to highlight the villager's workstation (if enabled)

Option Default
highlight-time 10
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