Simperium is a simple way for developers to move data as it changes, instantly and automatically. This is the Python library. You can browse the documentation.
You can sign up for a hosted version of Simperium. There are Simperium libraries for other languages too.
This is not yet a full Simperium library for parsing diffs and changes. It's a wrapper for our HTTP API intended for scripting and basic backend development.
The Simperium Python library is available for free and commercial use under the MIT license.
To get started, first log into and create a new application. Copy down the new app's name, api key and admin key.
Next install the python client:
$ sudo pip install git+
Start python and import the lib:
$ python
>>> from simperium.core import Auth, Api
We'll need to create a user to be able to store data:
>>> auth = Auth(yourappname, yourapikey)
>>> token = auth.create('[email protected]', 'secret')
>>> token
We can now store and retrieve data from simperium. Data is stored in buckets. For example, we could store a list of todo items in a todo bucket. When you store items, you need to give them a unique identifier. Uuids are usually a good choice.
>>> import uuid
>>> api = Api(yourappname, token)
>>> todo1_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
{'text': 'Read general theory of love', 'done': False})
We can retrieve this item:
>>> api.todo.get(todo1_id)
{'text': 'Read general theory of love', 'done': False}
Store another todo:
{'text': 'Watch battle royale', 'done': False})
You can retrieve an index of all of a buckets items:
>>> api.todo.index()
'count': 2,
'index': [
{'id': 'f6b680f8504c4e31a0e54a95401ffca0', 'v': 1},
{'id': 'c0d07bb7c46e48e693653425eca93af9', 'v': 1}],
'current': '4f8507b8faf44720dfc432b1',}
Retrieve all the docuemnts in the index:
>>> [api.todo.get(x['id']) for x in api.todo.index()['index']]
{'text': 'Read general theory of love', 'done': False},
{'text': 'Watch battle royale', 'done': False}]
It's also possible to get the data for each document in the index with data=True:
>>> api.todo.index(data=True)
'count': 2,
'index': [
{'id': 'f6b680f8504c4e31a0e54a95401ffca0', 'v': 1,
'd': {'text': 'Read general theory of love', 'done': False},},
{'id': 'c0d07bb7c46e48e693653425eca93af9', 'v': 1,
'd': {'text': 'Watch battle royale', 'done': False},}],
'current': '4f8507b8faf44720dfc432b1'}
To update fields in an item, post the updated fields. They'll be merged with the current document:
>>>, {'done': True})
>>> api.todo.get(todo1_id)
{'text': 'Read general theory of love', 'done': True}
Simperium items are versioned. It's possible to go back in time and retrieve previous versions of documents:
>>> api.todo.get(todo1_id, version=1)
{'text': 'Read general theory of love', 'done': False}
Of course, you can delete items:
>>> api.todo.delete(todo1_id)
>>> api.todo.get(todo1_id) == None
>>> api.todo.index()['count']