To learn the MERN (MongoDB, Express, Node.js, React.js) stack and document our learning, processes and team work. To build an app using our learning from this process.
Visit our Book:
Dinder is our app which helps developers find other developers to pair with.
Team Glow — we have 99 problems but MERN ain’t one..
- Open Terminal. Clone the repository:
git clone
- Run the following command to install dependencies:
npm install
You will need to set up Mongo development and test databases:
Create your environment variable for MongoDB:
Make sure your database, username and password are correct!
export MONGOLAB_URI=mongodb://<dbuser>:<dbpassword>@<sandbox><??>/<db name>
- Start the server
npm start
- Go to http://localhost:4444/ and see the app
npm tests
As a nerd,
So I can find people to geek out with,
I want to be able to meet other nerds
As a nerd,
So I can show how geeky I am,
I want to be able to list the languages I like to code in
As a nerd,
So I can find a match,
I want to be able to view other users profiles
As a nerd,
So I can find a nerd match
I want to be able to 'like' people who I like the look of
As a nerd
So I know when I get a match
I want to receive a notification
As a nerd
So other nerds recognise me when we meet
I want to be able to add a profile picture
As a nerd
So I don't have to waste coding time
I want to be able to search by location \ languages
*** We achieved all of the above stories ^^^ ***
As a nerd
So I can keep my coding habits private
I want to be able to sign-in and out
As a nerd
So I don't have to face rejection
I only want to be matched with people who also like me
As a nerd
To give me more coding time
I want to only be shown geeks in my current location
As a nerd
To avoid awkward pairing
I want to be able to chat with my matches
As a nerd
So I can have less chance meeting a fake geek
I want nerds to have pairing ratings
As a nerd
So I don't waste precious learning time
I want to be able to set preferences
To set up a new app, see
- More testing
- Isolate tests
- Unit tests feature tests
- Code refactoring
- Refactor CSS to SCSS
- Deploy to Heroku with MongoLab