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🏗️ Architectural Changes
🏗️ Architectural Changes
[PR] Updates to application architecture, data flow or structure
🤖 Auto
🤖 Auto
[ISSUE] [PR] Ticket opened by bot
👤 Awaiting Maintainer Response
👤 Awaiting Maintainer Response
[ISSUE] Response from repo author is pending
🚏 Awaiting User Response
🚏 Awaiting User Response
[ISSUE] Response from original author is pending
😎 Awesome Tip
😎 Awesome Tip
[ISSUE] Great ideas, tips and content posted by users
🦋 Bug Fix
🦋 Bug Fix
[PR] Code includes bug fixes
[ISSUE] Ticket describing something that isn't working
🛠️ Build Changes
🛠️ Build Changes
[PR] Includes modifications to build, CI or actions
📕 Docs
📕 Docs
[PR] Contains improvments or additions to documentation
⛔ Don't Merge
⛔ Don't Merge
🕸️ Duplicate
🕸️ Duplicate
[ISSUE] This issue or pull request already exists
🦄 Feature Request
🦄 Feature Request
[ISSUE] Suggestion for new feature, update or change
🌈 Feedback
🌈 Feedback
[ISSUE] Tell us what you think of the project
✅ Fixed
✅ Fixed
[ISSUE] Auto-Assigned to Tickets whose fix has been deployed
👩‍💻 Good First Issue
👩‍💻 Good First Issue
[ISSUE] Great task for newcomers to work on
🙏 Help Wanted
🙏 Help Wanted
[ISSUE] Support, Help or Tasks that help is needed with
‼️ High Priority
‼️ High Priority
[ISSUE] An issue or PR that needs to be dealt with urgently
🚑 Hot Fix
🚑 Hot Fix
[ISSUE] Fixes critical issue, deploy asap
🧑‍💻 In Progress
🧑‍💻 In Progress
[ISSUE] Assigned to an issue that is curretly being worked on
🕸️ Inactive
🕸️ Inactive
✖️ Invalid
✖️ Invalid
[ISSUE] Ticket does not follow the issue template
📌 Keep Open
📌 Keep Open
[ISSUE] [PR] Prevent auto-closing
🌐 Language
🌐 Language
[PR] Adds a new language translation
🐧 Linux
🐧 Linux
💤 Low Priority
💤 Low Priority
[ISSUE] Nice to have, but not currently in scope
👷 Maintainer
👷 Maintainer
[ISSUE] [PR] Posts by a maintainer
❕ Medium Priority
❕ Medium Priority
[ISSUE] Needs to be dealt with at some point
🚫 Merge Conflicts
🚫 Merge Conflicts
[PR] Submitted code needs rebasing
✨ New Feature
✨ New Feature
[PR] Contains implementation of a new feature