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CRUD Web App e-commerce made in JavaScript, NodeJS, ExpressJS and MongoDB. It's the second project for web development full stack bootcamp Ironhack.


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How it looks

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Online marketplace for freelance digital services where you can buy and sell gigs. You can hire a freelancer as well as work as one.

Built with

  • HTML / CSS / JavaScript / Handlebars
  • npm / MongoDB / NodeJS / ExpressJS
  • Stripe / Mapbox / Nodemailer / Cloudinary / PassportJS

User Stories

  • 404 - As users, we want to see a nice 404 error page when I go to a page that doesn’t exist so that we know it was our fault. 🙊
  • 500 - As users, we want to see a nice 500 error page when the team behind the app brokes something and it's not our fault. 🦦
  • Homepage - As users, we want to be able to access the homepage and select by category service and search by specific service. 🦁
  • Category page - As users, we want to be able to see all the service available inside a category. 🐯
  • Service page - As users, we want to see the details of a selected service, and book it. 🐆
  • Booking page - As users, we must be able to book a service, select a date, contact with the seller and pay for it. 🐱
  • Review page - As users, we want to be able to make a review to the user who provides the service booked. 🦄
  • Sign up - As users, we want to be able to create an account and sell amazing services. 🐣
  • Log in - As users, we want to be able to log in and manage our profile and services. 🐥
  • Profile page - As users, we want to be able to edit our profile, manage our services and visualize our history of sold and booked services. 🦢
  • Create Service page - As users, we want to be able to create a new service. 🐷
  • Edit Service page - As users, we want to be able to edit a service. 🐽

Server Routes (back-end)

Route HTTP Verb Description Request - body
/ GET Main screen. Renders index view. (categories)
/auth/login GET Login screen. Renders login view.
/auth/login POST Sends login form, redirects to profile view. {email, password}
/auth/signup GET Sign up screen. Renders signup view.
/auth/signup POST Sends signup form and creates User in DB. Redirects to index view. (cat.) { username, email, password, phone_number, image }
/auth/logout GET Log out screen. Redirects to login view. (cat.)
/auth/google GET Social login with PassportJS Google.
/categories/:name GET Specific Category screen. Renders category view.
/service/create GET Create Service screen. Renders service-create view.
/service/create POST Sends Service form and creates service in DB. Redirects to profile view. { user.username, user.image, description, price, location, image, user_id, category }
/service/search GET Search a Service by description. Renders service-list view.
/service/:id/edit GET Edit Service screen. Renders service-edit view.
/service/:id/edit POST Sends edit Service form and update service in DB. Redirects to profile view. { user.username, user.image, description, price, location, image, category }
/service/:id/delete POST Deletes a Service from DB. Redirects to profile view. { service_id }
/service/:id/book GET Book a service screen. Renders service-book view.
/service/:id GET Specific Service screen. Renders service view.
/stripe/success/:id GET Update customer User's bookedServices and seller User's soldServices from DB. Renders stripe/success view. { service_id }
/stripe/cancel GET Cancel url from stripe API. Renders stripe/cancel view.
/stripe/:id POST Creates stripe's session and process the paymen. Redirects to stripe/success or stripe/cancel view. { service_id, description, date }
/profile/:id/review/:service_id GET Review screen. Renders review view.
/profile/:id/review POST Sends Review form and pushes a review to reviews array from User in DB. Redirects to index view. { username, description, rate,user_id }
/profile/:id/delete POST Deletes an User from DB. Redirects to login view. { user_id }
/profile/:id/edit GET Edit User screen. Renders user-edit.
/profile/:id POST Sends User form and update User in DB. Redirects to profile view { username, phone_number, image, password }
/profile GET Specific User screen. Renders profile view.



    description: { type: String, required: true },
    price: { type: Number, min: 1, required: true },
    location: [ { type: String, required: true } ],
    publication_date: {type: Date, default: , required: true },
    image: { type: String, default: "" },
    user_id: { type: ObjectId, ref: 'User', required: true },
    category: { 
        name: { type: String, required: true },
        image: { type: String, required: true }


    username: { type: String, required: true, unique: true },
    email: { type: String, required: true, unique: true },
    password: { type: String, minLength: 6 },
    phone_number: { type: String },
    rate: { type: Number, min: 0, max: 5, default: 0 },
    image: { type: String, default: "" },
    linkedIn_id: { type: String },
    google_id: { type: String },
    bookedServices: [ { type: ObjectId, ref: 'Service' }, default: [] ],
    soldServices: [ { type: ObjectId, ref: 'Service' }, default: [] ],
    reviews: [ {
        username: { type: String, required: true },
        description: { type: String, required: true },
        rate: { type: number, min: 0, max: 5, required: true },
        date: { type: Date, default:, required: true },  
    }, default: [] ]


  • Implement axios at /service/search to avoid refresh page on search.
  • Allow user to recover/change his password through his email.



Link url


URls for the project repo and deploy Link Repo Link Deploy


URls for the project presentation Link


CRUD Web App e-commerce made in JavaScript, NodeJS, ExpressJS and MongoDB. It's the second project for web development full stack bootcamp Ironhack.





