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ConVar Checker

Mr. Silence edited this page May 26, 2019 · 3 revisions

This module allows you to check if clients are trying to force their own cvars. This module will check if any client has a predefined cvar that differs from the server. Server admins can add their own cvars they would like to enforce or use the ones SMAC has predefined.

ConVar Checker will lock your server's sv_cheats value to 0!!! If you are running a server that requires sv_cheats, do not run this module.

Please be aware that this plugin DOES NOT BLOCK commands from being used as it simply monitors cvar values. If you want to block commands, please look at the Command Monitor page for further details.


  • smac_addcvar <cvar> <comparison type> <action> <value> <value2 if bound> - Adds a cvar to be checked on the cvar list.
  • smac_removecvar <cvar> - Removes a cvar from the list of cvars that get checked.
  • smac_cvars_status - Shows the cvar status of all in-game clients.

Comparison Types

  • equal- ConVar must equal the specified value
  • strequal- ConVar must equal the specified string
  • replicated- ConVar must match the server's value
  • greater- ConVar must be greater than the specified value
  • less- ConVar must be less than the specified value
  • between- ConVar must be between the specified values
  • outside- ConVar must be outside the specified values
  • nonexist- ConVar must not exist on the client


  • warn- Warns admins
  • mute- Mutes the client
  • kick- Kicks the client, informing them of what ConVar was at fault
  • ban- Bans the client

Forum Discussion

To be added at a later date.

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