- #513 SERVERPLUGINS s/pluging/plugin (@webmasterkai)
- #514 Add buildFetchAction() to slim admin-ui actions code. (@webmasterkai)
- #518 Plugin config update react-jsonschema-form (@webmasterkai)
- #520 chore: add CONTRIBUTING.md (@tkurki)
- #521 chore: create @signalk/plugin-config package within same git project (@webmasterkai)
- #524 chore: create @signalk/server-admin-ui package with repo (@webmasterkai)
- #530 chore: use s/console.log/debug in lib/modules (@webmasterkai)
- #536 doc: add npm version and PRs welcome badges (@tkurki)
- #537 fix: deltacache is building the full tree when a path that does not exist is requested (@sbender9)