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- What one thing we should be expect in:
- a poorly architectured system?
- a well architectured system?
- Package switching network (PSN):
- Define the components of a PSN
- What other architecture was package switching designed to replace?
- Why was an advantage of that other architecture?
- What feature of PSN make it attractive as an alternate architeture?
- Blackboard architecutures:
- Define the components of a blackboard architecture;
- For which projects are blackboard architectures are ideal?
- Pipe and Fiter:
- Describe the components of a pipe and filter architecture.
- Give an example of a commonly used system that makes extensive use of pipe and filter
- Explain one advantage of pipe and filter
- Explain one dsadvantage of pipe and filter
- What is the CRUD pattern?
- Give two example where CRUD pattern is used.
- In Windows
machine if you open one folder in two different views, rename folder in
one view automatically renames the other.
- What type of architecture is this?
- Describe different components of this architecture with respect to the above example.
- Layered architectures:
- What is "LAMP" and why is it an example of a layered architecture>
- Explain one advantage of a layered architecture.
- Explain one dsadvantage of pipe and filter
- What is "MEAN" and why is it sometimes called a "leaky layered" architecture?
- Why is MEAN replacing LAMP in certain fast-paced organizations?
- Architectures and Programming
Consider the following functionality in Javascript, which gets the mouse cursor position upon the cursor move:
$(document).bind('mousemove', function(event) {
position = {'x' : event.pageX, 'y': event.pageY};
Now, here is the similar functionality in ELM:
import Mouse
main = lift asText Mouse.position
- How are the different functions retrieving the mouse positions?
- What architecture the lift construct in the ELM program is utilizing for this functionality? Explain.