This tool was used to benchmark renterd
's download perfomance.
Its usage is quite straightforward, it will upload objects of a certain configurable file size to your node using a predictable filename format.
By default the files look like /renterd-benchmark/file_40.0MiB_5
, changing the id
allows you to benchmark using different datasets, avoiding having to reupload your dataset every time.
Usage of renterd-benchmark:
upload small files in the background while performing download benchmarks
-busAddr string
bus address (default "")
-busPassw string
bus password (default "test")
-files int
number of files in the dataset (default 100)
-id string
benchmark identifier (default "renterd-benchmark")
-min-shards int
number of min shards (default 10)
-size int
size of files to upload (default 41943040) // 40MiB
-threads string
comma separated list of thread counts (default "1,4,16")
-total-shards int
number of shards (default 30)
-ul-threads int
number of threads the uploader uses (default 1)
-workerAddrs string
comma separated list of worker addresses (default "")
-workerPassws string
comma separated list of worker passwords (default "test")