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add events.go and fix bug in v2 contract resolution retrieval
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chris124567 committed Dec 9, 2024
1 parent c1c650c commit 6dd0557
Showing 1 changed file with 272 additions and 0 deletions.
272 changes: 272 additions & 0 deletions persist/sqlite/events.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
package sqlite

import (


// Events returns the events with the given event IDs. If an event is not found,
// it is skipped.
func (s *Store) Events(eventIDs []types.Hash256) (events []explorer.Event, err error) {
err = s.transaction(func(tx *txn) error {
// sqlite doesn't have easy support for IN clauses, use a statement since
// the number of event IDs is likely to be small instead of dynamically
// building the query
const query = `
WITH last_chain_index (height) AS (
SELECT MAX(height) FROM blocks
WHEN last_chain_index.height < b.height THEN 0
ELSE last_chain_index.height - b.height
END AS confirmations,
FROM events ev
INNER JOIN event_addresses ea ON ( = ea.event_id)
INNER JOIN address_balance sa ON (ea.address_id =
INNER JOIN blocks b ON (ev.block_id =
CROSS JOIN last_chain_index
WHERE ev.event_id = $1`

stmt, err := tx.Prepare(query)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to prepare statement: %w", err)
defer stmt.Close()

events = make([]explorer.Event, 0, len(eventIDs))
for _, id := range eventIDs {
event, _, err := scanEvent(tx, stmt.QueryRow(encode(id)))
if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
} else if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to query transaction %q: %w", id, err)
events = append(events, event)
return nil

func explorerToTypesV2Resolution(e explorer.V2FileContractResolution) (fcr types.V2FileContractResolution) {
fcr.Parent = e.Parent.V2FileContractElement

switch v := e.Resolution.(type) {
case *explorer.V2FileContractRenewal:
fcr.Resolution = &types.V2FileContractRenewal{
FinalRenterOutput: v.FinalRenterOutput,
FinalHostOutput: v.FinalHostOutput,
RenterRollover: v.RenterRollover,
HostRollover: v.HostRollover,
NewContract: v.NewContract.V2FileContractElement.V2FileContract,
RenterSignature: v.RenterSignature,
HostSignature: v.HostSignature,
case *types.V2StorageProof:
case *types.V2FileContractExpiration:
fcr.Resolution = v
panic(fmt.Errorf("unexpected revision type: %v", reflect.TypeOf(v)))

func explorerToEventV1Transaction(e explorer.Transaction) (ev wallet.EventV1Transaction) {
extendedFCToTypes := func(fc explorer.ExtendedFileContract) types.FileContract {
result := types.FileContract{
Filesize: fc.Filesize,
FileMerkleRoot: fc.FileMerkleRoot,
WindowStart: fc.WindowStart,
WindowEnd: fc.WindowEnd,
Payout: fc.Payout,
UnlockHash: fc.UnlockHash,
RevisionNumber: fc.RevisionNumber,
for _, vpo := range fc.ValidProofOutputs {
result.ValidProofOutputs = append(result.ValidProofOutputs, vpo.SiacoinOutput)
for _, mpo := range fc.MissedProofOutputs {
result.MissedProofOutputs = append(result.MissedProofOutputs, mpo.SiacoinOutput)
return result

txn := &ev.Transaction
for _, sci := range e.SiacoinInputs {
txn.SiacoinInputs = append(txn.SiacoinInputs, sci.SiacoinInput)
for _, sco := range e.SiacoinOutputs {
txn.SiacoinOutputs = append(txn.SiacoinOutputs, sco.SiacoinOutput)
for _, sfi := range e.SiafundInputs {
txn.SiafundInputs = append(txn.SiafundInputs, sfi.SiafundInput)
for _, sfo := range e.SiafundOutputs {
txn.SiafundOutputs = append(txn.SiafundOutputs, sfo.SiafundOutput)
for _, fc := range e.FileContracts {
txn.FileContracts = append(txn.FileContracts, extendedFCToTypes(fc))
for _, fcr := range e.FileContractRevisions {
txn.FileContractRevisions = append(txn.FileContractRevisions, types.FileContractRevision{
ParentID: fcr.ParentID,
UnlockConditions: fcr.UnlockConditions,
FileContract: extendedFCToTypes(fcr.ExtendedFileContract),
for _, sp := range e.StorageProofs {
txn.StorageProofs = append(txn.StorageProofs, sp)
for _, fee := range e.MinerFees {
txn.MinerFees = append(txn.MinerFees, fee)
for _, arb := range e.ArbitraryData {
txn.ArbitraryData = append(txn.ArbitraryData, arb)
for _, sig := range e.Signatures {
txn.Signatures = append(txn.Signatures, sig)


func explorerToEventV2Transaction(e explorer.V2Transaction) (txn wallet.EventV2Transaction) {
for _, sci := range e.SiacoinInputs {
txn.SiacoinInputs = append(txn.SiacoinInputs, sci)
for _, sco := range e.SiacoinOutputs {
txn.SiacoinOutputs = append(txn.SiacoinOutputs, sco.SiacoinOutput)
for _, sfi := range e.SiafundInputs {
txn.SiafundInputs = append(txn.SiafundInputs, sfi)
for _, sfo := range e.SiafundOutputs {
txn.SiafundOutputs = append(txn.SiafundOutputs, sfo.SiafundOutput)
for _, fc := range e.FileContracts {
txn.FileContracts = append(txn.FileContracts, fc.V2FileContractElement.V2FileContract)
for _, fcr := range e.FileContractRevisions {
txn.FileContractRevisions = append(txn.FileContractRevisions, types.V2FileContractRevision{
Parent: fcr.Parent.V2FileContractElement,
Revision: fcr.Revision.V2FileContractElement.V2FileContract,
for _, fcr := range e.FileContractResolutions {
txn.FileContractResolutions = append(txn.FileContractResolutions, explorerToTypesV2Resolution(fcr))
for _, a := range e.Attestations {
txn.Attestations = append(txn.Attestations, a)
for _, arb := range e.ArbitraryData {
txn.ArbitraryData = append(txn.ArbitraryData, arb)
txn.NewFoundationAddress = e.NewFoundationAddress
txn.MinerFee = e.MinerFee


func scanEvent(tx *txn, s scanner) (ev explorer.Event, eventID int64, err error) {
err = s.Scan(&eventID, decode(&ev.ID), &ev.MaturityHeight, decode(&ev.Timestamp), &ev.Index.Height, decode(&ev.Index.ID), &ev.Confirmations, &ev.Type)
if err != nil {

switch ev.Type {
case wallet.EventTypeV1Transaction:
var txnID int64
err = tx.QueryRow(`SELECT transaction_id FROM v1_transaction_events WHERE event_id = ?`, eventID).Scan(&txnID)
if err != nil {
return explorer.Event{}, 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch v1 transaction ID: %w", err)
txns, err := getTransactions(tx, map[int64]transactionID{0: {dbID: txnID, id: types.TransactionID(ev.ID)}})
if err != nil || len(txns) == 0 {
return explorer.Event{}, 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch v1 transaction: %w", err)
ev.Data = explorerToEventV1Transaction(txns[0])
case wallet.EventTypeV2Transaction:
txns, err := getV2Transactions(tx, []types.TransactionID{types.TransactionID(ev.ID)})
if err != nil || len(txns) == 0 {
return explorer.Event{}, 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch v2 transaction: %w", err)
ev.Data = explorerToEventV2Transaction(txns[0])
case wallet.EventTypeV1ContractResolution:
var resolution wallet.EventV1ContractResolution
fce, sce := &resolution.Parent, &resolution.SiacoinElement
err := tx.QueryRow(`SELECT sce.output_id, sce.leaf_index, sce.maturity_height, sce.address, sce.value, fce.contract_id, fce.leaf_index, fce.filesize, fce.file_merkle_root, fce.window_start, fce.window_end, fce.payout, fce.unlock_hash, fce.revision_number, ev.missed
FROM v1_contract_resolution_events ev
JOIN siacoin_elements sce ON ev.output_id =
JOIN file_contract_elements fce ON ev.parent_id =
WHERE ev.event_id = ?`, eventID).Scan(decode(&sce.ID), decode(&sce.StateElement.LeafIndex), decode(&sce.MaturityHeight), decode(&sce.SiacoinOutput.Address), decode(&sce.SiacoinOutput.Value), decode(&fce.ID), decode(&fce.StateElement.LeafIndex), decode(&fce.FileContract.Filesize), decode(&fce.FileContract.FileMerkleRoot), decode(&fce.FileContract.WindowStart), decode(&fce.FileContract.WindowEnd), decode(&fce.FileContract.Payout), decode(&fce.FileContract.UnlockHash), decode(&fce.FileContract.RevisionNumber), &resolution.Missed)
if err != nil {
return wallet.Event{}, 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve v1 resolution event: %w", err)
ev.Data = resolution
case wallet.EventTypeV2ContractResolution:
var resolution wallet.EventV2ContractResolution
var parentContractID types.FileContractID
var resolutionTransactionID types.TransactionID
sce := &resolution.SiacoinElement
err := tx.QueryRow(`SELECT sce.output_id, sce.leaf_index, sce.maturity_height, sce.address, sce.value, rev.contract_id, rev.resolution_transaction_id, ev.missed
FROM v2_contract_resolution_events ev
JOIN siacoin_elements sce ON ev.output_id =
JOIN v2_file_contract_elements fce ON ev.parent_id =
JOIN v2_last_contract_revision rev ON fce.contract_id = rev.contract_id
WHERE ev.event_id = ?`, eventID).Scan(decode(&sce.ID), decode(&sce.StateElement.LeafIndex), decode(&sce.MaturityHeight), decode(&sce.SiacoinOutput.Address), decode(&sce.SiacoinOutput.Value), decode(&parentContractID), decode(&resolutionTransactionID), &resolution.Missed)
if err != nil {
return wallet.Event{}, 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve v2 resolution event: %w", err)

resolutionTxns, err := getV2Transactions(tx, []types.TransactionID{resolutionTransactionID})
if err != nil {
return wallet.Event{}, 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to get transaction with v2 resolution: %w", err)
} else if len(resolutionTxns) == 0 {
return wallet.Event{}, 0, fmt.Errorf("v2 resolution transaction not found")
txn := resolutionTxns[0]

found := false
for _, fcr := range txn.FileContractResolutions {
if fcr.Parent.ID == parentContractID {
found = true
resolution.Resolution = explorerToTypesV2Resolution(fcr)
if !found {
return wallet.Event{}, 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to find resolution in v2 resolution transaction")

ev.Data = resolution
case wallet.EventTypeSiafundClaim, wallet.EventTypeMinerPayout, wallet.EventTypeFoundationSubsidy:
var payout wallet.EventPayout
sce := &payout.SiacoinElement
err := tx.QueryRow(`SELECT sce.output_id, sce.leaf_index, sce.maturity_height, sce.address, sce.value
FROM payout_events ev
JOIN siacoin_elements sce ON ev.output_id =
WHERE ev.event_id = ?`, eventID).Scan(decode(&sce.ID), decode(&sce.StateElement.LeafIndex), decode(&sce.MaturityHeight), decode(&sce.SiacoinOutput.Address), decode(&sce.SiacoinOutput.Value))
if err != nil {
return wallet.Event{}, 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve payout event: %w", err)
ev.Data = payout
return wallet.Event{}, 0, fmt.Errorf("unknown event type: %q", ev.Type)


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