Article Summarizer using the OpenAI [ Completion Class model ] API and the Streamlit library to create a simple web application that allows a user to input a scientific article and generate a summary of the article. The user can choose the size of the output summary and save the generated summary to their device.
- OpenAI API
- To use the OpenAI API, you need to sign up for a free account on the OpenAI website and create a new API key.
- Set the API key as the value of the openai.api_key variable in your code.
- Use the openai library to make requests to the API's endpoints and access its AI-powered text generation capabilities.
- Streamlit secrets
- The st.secrets object is a special Streamlit object that allows you to store sensitive information in a secure way,
as the secrets are not visible in the source code of your app while testing locally.
- This is useful for protecting API keys and other sensitive information from being exposed publicly.
- The st.secrets object is accessed like a dictionary, with the keys being the names of the secrets and
the values being the secret values themselves.
- Code-Time
- Start by importing the required libraries and setting up our OpenAI API key.
- Next, create a text area for the user to enter the text of a scientific article
using Streamlit’s text_area function.
- Then add a radio button that allows the user to choose the desired output size, with three options available:
“To-The-Point”, “Concise”, and “Detailed”.
Summarizing Scientific Articles with OpenAI ✨ and Streamlit 🎈 by Avra
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