This is the second version of my portfolio page, where I share all of my projects. Built with:
Cool features:
- You can change the theme using a toggle switch to dark or light and the theme settings are saved in your localStorage,
- Language changes via AJAX and JSON files with specific texts,
- Form validation made using RegExp in vanilla JS without any external library,
- Based on a time of day you get a different welcome text and loading overlay background color,
These are some of the bigger changes, you can check the rest in the commits tab.
- A very big update: I've completly removed jQuery and rewrote all of the scripts to vanilla ES6 and switched OwlCarousel for Siema.js. Here is the performance data gathered by me using most popular browsers:
It is a little lighter and a little faster, so that's a major success.
But, to answer the big questions: was it worth it? Probably not. Would I do it again? Maybe. Have I learned something? I think so. And finally - is it faster? Not really.
- Added a different font for headings, changed the navigation, improved responsiveness, modified form, added triggering slides on arrow keys.
- Added a custom 404 page.
- Changed menu button for switching themes to toggle switch.
- Added tags to projects (desktop only)
- Fixed the projects dots, added info on how to see more projects visible only on mobile, fixed iOS Safari placeholders issue.
- Finally managed to do mobile and desktop nav in one element, added some cool animations, and as always some small fixes
- Changed prijects nav, removed dupliacte titles form sections, removed 2 garbage projects, some other small fixes
- Finally it's possible to link directly to any section - I've removed owl carousel from container and positioned sections next to each other. Also some small refactoring of JS and tweaks of CSS.
- Added body-border, changed texts in "about" section, changed hover effect on nav links, updated link to interiorideas, added function to show current year in the footer and my age in "about" section.
- Turned this website to PWA and now it is even faster than before - pretty cool if you ask me.
- Improved themes, improved scripts, added overlay with animation that show before content is loaded