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StaVia - Multi-Omic Single-Cell Cartography for Spatial and Temporal Atlases

StaVia (Via 2.0) is our new single-cell trajectory inference method that explores single-cell atlas-scale data and temporal and spatial studies enabled by. In addition to the full functionality of earlier versions, StaVia now offers (check out our paper for details)

  1. Integration of metadata (e.g time-series labels, spatial coordinates): Using sequential metadata (temporal labels from longitudinal studies, hierarchical information from phylogenetic trees, spatial distances relevant to spatial omics data) to guide the cartography. Integrating RNA-velocity where applicable.
  2. Higher Order Random Walks: Leveraging higher order random walks with memory to highlight key end-to-end differentiation pathways along the atlas
  3. Atlas View: Via 2.0 offers a unique visualization of the predicted trajectory by intuitively merging the cell-cell graph connectivity with the high-resolution of single-cell embeddings. Visit the Gallery to see examples.
  4. Generalizable and data modality agnostic StaVia still offers all the functionality of Via 1.0 across single-cell data modalities (scRNA-seq, imaging and flow cyometry, scATAC-seq) for types of topologies (disconnected, cyclic, tree) to infer pseudotimes, automated terminal state prediction and automated plotting of temporal gene dynamics along lineages.

StaVia extends the lazy-teleporting walks to higher order random walks with memory to allow better lineage detection, pathway recovery and preservation of global features in terms of computation and visualization. The cartographic approach combining high edge and spatial resolution produces informative and esthetically pleasing visualizations caled the Atlas View.

If you find our work useful, please consider citing our StaVia and Via 1.0 paper DOI.

Tutorials for Cartographic TI and Visualization using StaVi

Tutorials and videos available on readthedocs with step-by-step code for real and simulated datasets. Tutorials explain how to generate cartographic visualizations for TI, tune parameters, obtain various outputs and also understand the importance of memory. Datasets (anndata h5ad) links are provided below.

✳️Cartography of Zebrafish gastrulation


✳️ windmaps of mouse gastrulation


✳️ You can start with the The tutorial/Notebook for multifurcating data which shows a step-by-step use case. ✳️

scATAC-seq dataset of Human Hematopoiesis represented by VIA graphs (click image to open interactive graph)

✳️ Fine-grained vector field without using RNA-velocity

Refer to the Jupiter Notebooks to plot these fine-grained vector fields of the sc-trajectories even when there is no RNA-velocity available.


Tutorials on readthedocs

Please visit our readthedocs for the latest tutorials and videos on usage and installation

notebook details dataset reference
Multifurcation: Starter Tutorial 4-leaf simulation 4-leaf DynToy
Disconnected disconnected simulation Disconnected DynToy
Zebrafish Gastrulation Time series of 120,000 cells Zebrahub Lange et al. (2023)
Mouse Gastrulation Time series of 90,000 cells Mouse data Sala et al. (2019)
scRNA-seq Hematopoiesis Human hematopoiesis (5780 cells) CD34 scRNA-seq Setty et al. (2019)
FACED image-based 2036 MCF7 cells in cell cycle MCF7 FACED in-house data
scATAC-seq Hematopoiesis Human hematopoiesis scATAC-seq Buenrostro et al. (2018)


Dataset are available in the Datasets folder (smaller files) with larger datasets here.


Linux Ubuntu 16.04 and Windows 10 Installation

We recommend setting up a new conda environment and reccomend python version 3.10. Versions 3.8 and 3.9 should also work. You can use the examples below, the Jupyter notebooks and/or the test script to make sure your installation works as expected.

conda create --name ViaEnv python=3.10 
pip install pyVIA // tested on linux Ubuntu 16.04 and Windows 10

This usually tries to install hnswlib, produces an error and automatically corrects itself by first installing pybind11 followed by hnswlib. To get a smoother installation, consider installing in the following order after creating a new conda environment:

pip install pybind11
pip install hnswlib
pip install pyVIA

Install by cloning repository and running (ensure dependencies are installed)

git clone 
python3 install // cd into the directory of the cloned VIA folder containing and issue this command

MAC installation

The pie-chart cluster-graph plot does not render correctly for MACs for the time-being. All other outputs are as expected.

conda create --name ViaEnv python=3.10 
pip install pybind11
conda install -c conda-forge hnswlib
pip install pyVIA

Install dependencies separately if needed (linux ubuntu 16.04 and Windows 10)

If the pip install doesn't work, it usually suffices to first install all the requirements (using pip) and subsequently install VIA (also using pip). Note that on Windows if you do not have Visual C++ (required for hnswlib) you can install using this link .

pip install pybind11, hnswlib, igraph, leidenalg>=0.7.0, umap-learn, numpy>=1.17, scipy, pandas>=0.25, sklearn, termcolor, pygam, phate, matplotlib,scanpy
pip install pyVIA

To run on Windows:

All examples and tests have been run on Linux and MAC OS. We find there are somtimes small modifications required to run on a Windows OS (see below). Windows requires minor modifications in calling the code due to the way multiprocessing works in Windows compared to Linux:

#when running from an IDE you need to call the function in the following way to ensure the parallel processing works:
import os
import pyVIA.core as via
f= os.path.join(r'C:\Users\...\Documents'+'\\')
def main():
    via.main_Toy(ncomps=10, knn=30,dataset='Toy3', random_seed=2,foldername= f)    
if __name__ =='__main__':
#when running directly from terminal:
import os
import pyVIA.core as via
f= os.path.join(r'C:\Users\...\Documents'+'\\')
via.main_Toy(ncomps=10, knn=30,dataset='Toy3', random_seed=2,foldername= f)    

Parameters and Attributes


Input Parameter for class VIA Description
data (numpy.ndarray) n_samples x n_features. When using via_wrapper(), data is ANNdata object that has a PCA object adata.obsm['X_pca'][:, 0:ncomps] and ncomps is the number of components that will be used.
true_label (list) 'ground truth' annotations or placeholder
memory (float) default =5 higher memory means lineage pathways that deviate less from predecessors
times_series (bool) default=False. whether or not sequential augmentation of the TI graph will be done based on time-series labels
time_series_labels (list) list (length n_cells) of numerical values corresponding to sequential/chronological/hierarchical sequence
knn (optional, default = 30) number of K-Nearest Neighbors for HNSWlib KNN graph
root_user root_user should be provided as a list containing roots corresponding to index (row number in cell matrix) of root cell. For most trajectories this is of the form [53] where 53 is the index of a sensible root cell, for multiple disconnected trajectories an arbitrary list of cells can be provided [1,506,1100], otherwise VIA arbitratily chooses cells. If the root cells of disconnected trajectories are known in advance, then the cells should be annotated with similar syntax to that of Example Dataset in Disconnected Toy Example 1b.
dist_std_local (optional, default = 1) local pruning threshold for PARC clustering stage: the number of standard deviations above the mean minkowski distance between neighbors of a given node. the higher the parameter, the more edges are retained
edgepruning_clustering_resolution (optional, default = 0.15) global level graph pruning for PARC clustering stage. 0.1-1 provide reasonable pruning. higher value means less pruning. e.g. a value of 0.15 means all edges that are above mean(edgeweight)-0.15*std(edge-weights) are retained. We find both 0.15 and 'median' to yield good results resulting in pruning away ~ 50-60% edges
too_big_factor (optional, default = 0.4) if a cluster exceeds this share of the entire cell population, then the PARC will be run on the large cluster
cluster_graph_pruning (optional, default =0.15) To retain more edges/connectivity in the graph underlying the trajectory computations, increase the value
edgebundle_pruning (optional) default value is the same as cluster_grap_pruning. Only impacts the visualized edges, not the underlying edges for computation and TI
x_lazy (optional, default = 0.95) 1-x = probability of staying in same node (lazy). Values between 0.9-0.99 are reasonable
alpha_teleport (optional, default = 0.99) 1-alpha is probability of jumping. Values between 0.95-0.99 are reasonable unless prior knowledge of teleportation
distance (optional, default = 'l2' euclidean) 'ip','cosine'
random_seed (optional, default = 42) The random seed to pass to Leiden
pseudotime_threshold_TS (optional, default = 30) Percentile threshold for potential node to qualify as Terminal State
resolution_parameter (optional, default = 1) Uses ModuliartyVP and RBConfigurationVertexPartition
preserve_disconnected (optional, default = True) If you do not think there should be any disconnected trajectories, set this to False
Attributes Description
labels (list) length n_samples of corresponding cluster labels
single_cell_pt_markov (list) computed pseudotime
embedding 2d array representing a computed embedding
single_cell_bp (array) computed single cell branch probabilities (lineage likelihoods). n_cells x n_terminal states. The columns each correspond to a terminal state, in the same order presented in the'terminal_clusters' attribute
terminal clusters (list) terminal clusters found by VIA
full_neighbor_array full_neighbor_array=v0.full_neighbor_array. KNN graph from first pass of via - neighbor array
full_distance_array full_distance_array=v0.full_distance_array. KNN graph from first pass of via - edge weights
ig_full_graph ig_full_graph=v0.ig_full_graph igraph of the KNN graph from first pass of via
csr_full_graph csr_full_graph. If time_series is true, this is sequentially augmented.
csr_array_locally_pruned csr_array_locally_pruned=v0.csr_array_locally_pruned. CSR matrix of the locally pruned KNN graph