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A Discord bot that is used for online class that sends question or test paper to students.


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QnA Bot


A Discord bot that is used for online class that sends question or test paper to students.

The true purpose of this bot is to use for schools that doesn't have a website infrastructure. The bot will use Discord as the platform. It is simple and easy to manage.

Bot is in stable release. Latest beta/debugging version is available for download in the master branch.

Setting it up


  • Any PC that is running Windows 7 or later, macOS, or any Linux distro
  • An active internet connection


For Windows users

Before downloading the source code, you will need to download and install Python first by going here. After downloading the installer, run it and make sure you have ticked the box "Add Python 3.x to PATH" before installing.

After installing Python, you have to open Command Prompt and install and psutil by typing py -3 -m pip install -U and py -3 -m pip install -U psutil into the Command Prompt.

After installing, you will need to download the lastest source code here and extract it anywhere you like.

For Linux users

Most Linux distribution have python3 preinstalled. But if you are unsure, open a terminal and type apt-get install python3 with root privilege. And then install and psutil by typing python3 -m pip install -U and python3 -m pip install -U psutil.

Creating and setting up the bot

If you don't have Discord account yet, go to Discord and create a new account. Also, you can download their client application for all platforms and then logging in after creating an account.

After creating an account and your username (not your real name!) go ahead visit the developer page and create a new application by clicking the blue button on top-right corner.

From here you can put any name if you want for the application but I recommend you to type QnA Bot to prevent confusion.

Once you have created the application, this is optional but you can add the "official" profile picture of the bot by download it here or anything you want and then uploading it to the website.

If you did the optional step, now go to the "Bot" on the left panel and click the "Add Bot". When you receive a notice, just click "Yes, do it!" and you have successfully created a bot!

Inviting the bot to your server

After you created the bot (and you have created a server), head over to "OAuth2" on the left panel and you will now have to tick some boxes for the bot.

Tick the bot box first on the Scopes area and then tick the following boxes below according to the bot's functions on Bot Permissions area. Kick Members, Ban Members, View Channels, Send Messages, Manage Messages, Embed Links, Read Message History, Use External Emojis, and Add Reactions.

After you ticked the necessary boxes, click "Copy" on the Scopes area and then visiting the link by creating a new tab and then pasting it. You will now get greeted where you will invite the bot. You just have to select your server and then clicking "Continue" and "Authorize" it. You may also get into a CAPTCHA process but it's easy and you will get greeted that the bot is successfully invited to your server.

Running the program

Go back to the developers page and go to the "Bot" section. This time you will going to take the bot's token to use with the program.

When you are in the Bot section, click "Copy" below the "Click to Reveal Token" and to go the root folder of qna-bot. When you are in the root folder of qna-bot, open token.txt and then clear the content of it and then paste the token and save it. Be warned that when someone saw your bot token, they can use your bot account without your own control! When in doubt, go to the Bot section of the developers page, click "Regenerate" and then click "Copy" and then replace the content of token.txt by clearing it and pasting it

After that, in Windows you just have to open or double click and a console window will appear. Or you can run it on Command Prompt by navigating to the root directory of qna-bot and then typing py For Linux users, navigate to the root folder on terminal and execute it by typing python3

Once you get the "successfully connected" message on the console, everything is working.

Setting up additional things

Since we have successfully run the program, we need to take an ID from a single or multiple user (your classroom adviser, principal, IT coordinator) to use some owner-based commands on the bot.

If you navigate to the root folder of qna-bot you will see the author.txt file. This will be used for the bot to make that user (your classroom adviser, principal, IT coordinator) the "owner" of the bot.

To get the user ID from other members, make sure the bot is closed at the moment. Open and login to your Discord client and make sure you have "Developer Mode" enabled from the setting. You can look it up here.

If the "Developer Mode" is enabled, go back to your server and look up the name of that member (your classroom adviser, principal, IT coordinator) you want to make it as the owner on the member list on the right side. Right click on their name and then click "Copy ID". After that open author.txt, clear the content and paste it there.

If you want to add multiple users, all you have to do is to add spaces after each ID like so

170093603530xxxxx2 451974524053xxxxx0 666986243682xxxxx7

And then save the text file and the bot is ready for use.

Using the bot

The bot's default command prefix is q! and this will invoke the bot. It should look like this

q!help q!ping q!userinfo

You can change the command prefix by opening prefix.txt on the root folder and replacing q! with anything followed by a special character like q., n&, a! or only a special character like ., !, $.

The commands

These are the commands that you can use to interact with the bot. You can also look up the commands by typing q!help while the bot is online.


  • tphelp - Shows the testpaper help.
  • testpaper - Sends the test question as a Direct Message - Usage: q!testpaper <subject>, q!testpaper science

General Commands

  • hello - Respond with "Hello!" when the bot is online.
  • ping - Respond with "Pong!" and latency time.
  • say - Make the bot say with your response. - Usage: q!say Hello world!
  • userinfo - Shows info of a mentioned user or yourself. - Usage: q!userinfo @SilentVOEZ
  • avatar - Shows you the full size of the user's profile picture. - Usage: q!avatar or q!avatar @SilentVOEZ#2523
  • status - Shows the status of the computer where the bot is running on.
  • version - Shows the bot version.
  • about - Shows the about dialog of the bot.


  • rps - Play rock, paper, scissors! - Usage: q!rps rock
  • eightball - Ask the eightball for question. - Usage: q!eightball Will I get a tasty food later?
  • eightballfil - Magtanong kay eightball ng isang katanungan. Usage: q!eightballfil Magkaroon ba ako ng matamis na pagkain mamaya?
  • haachama - Have some cooking tips from Akai Haato. (p.s. It's not a legit cooking tip)
  • choose - Makes the bot choose two choices. - Usage: q!choose "choice 1" "choice 2"

Moderation/Utility (Administrator/Owner only)

  • pas - Make a public address within that channel you were on.
  • kick - Kicks a member on the server. - Usage: q!kick <user> <reason>, q!kick @VOID Being negative to the chat.
  • ban - Bans a member on the server. - Usage: q!ban <user> <reason>, q!ban @VOID Sent an NSFW picture on #general.
  • purge - Clears messages with a certain amount. - Usage: q!purge <amount>, q!purge 25

Using the bot as a test paper

Thanks to DaijobuDes for contributing to the development of the bot, I will make a different guide after verifying the whole process of the testpaper command.


Some Notes


Thanks to DaijobuDes and to the community on Stackoverflow for helping me out on making this bot possible.


If you want to help out make the bot even better, consider reading the documentation of and do a pull request to this GitHub page.


A Discord bot that is used for online class that sends question or test paper to students.








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