# CMake
sudo apt-get install cmake
# google-glog + gflags
sudo apt-get install libgoogle-glog-dev
sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev
# Eigen3
sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev
# SuiteSparse and CXSparse (optional)
# - If you want to build Ceres as a *static* library (the default)
# you can use the SuiteSparse package in the main Ubuntu package
# repository:
sudo apt-get install libsuitesparse-dev
# - However, if you want to build Ceres as a *shared* library, you must
# add the following PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bzindovic/suitesparse-bugfix-1319687
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libsuitesparse-dev
tar zxf ceres-solver-1.14.0.tar.gz
mkdir ceres-bin
cd ceres-bin
cmake ../ceres-solver-1.14.0
make -j3
make test
# Optionally install Ceres, it can also be exported using CMake which
# allows Ceres to be used without requiring installation, see the documentation
# for the EXPORT_BUILD_DIR option for more information.
make install
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
因为测试用的CH340G为半双工,不能同发同受,可以用虚拟串口测试 现在是三个串口因此需要,三队虚拟串口用于测试,分别写入到param.yaml参数文件中
sudo apt-get install socat
socat -d -d pty,raw,echo=0 pty,raw,echo=0
- map_width : 地图宽
- map_length : 地图长
- BALLON_num : 气球个数
- AIMUAV_num : 目标机个数
- Listen_port : 服务串口
- Simulate_port : 仿真串口
- UAV_filed : UAV视野
- UAV_speed : UAV速度
- start_point : UAV起始坐标
- first_point :UAV第一次设定坐标
- end_point : UAV返回坐标
- Simulate_speed : 仿真目标机速度
- ballon_point : 气球坐标
KERNELS=="1-3.4", MODE:="0666", GROUP:="dialout", SYMLINK+="device_0"
KERNELS=="1-3.3", MODE:="0666", GROUP:="dialout", SYMLINK+="device_1"
./bin/RunService param.yaml 2>/dev/null
- 使用16字节包为一个数据包
- CMD:前4bit为状态,后4bit为标识 三架飞机分别为
typedef enum:unsigned char{
ROBOT_MODE_IN_INIT = 0x00,//初始化
ROBOT_MODE_IN_MOVETO = 0x02,//飞到一个点
ROBOT_MODE_IN_LINE = 0x03,//一条线飞
ROBOT_MODE_IN_ARCH = 0x04,//弓字型飞
ROBOT_MODE_IN_CATCH = 0x05,//抓气球
ROBOT_MODE_IN_STAB = 0x06,//刺气球
ROBOT_MODE_IN_LOST = 0xfe,//时延太高丢失
ROBOT_MODE_IN_EMPTY = 0xff,//空状态
typedef enum:unsigned char
UAV1 = 0x00,
UAV2 = 0x01,
UAV3 = 0x02,
AIM = 0x03,
Service = 0x04
Head | CMD | UAV-x | Position | End | |
ROBOT_MODE_IN_INIT | ff | 00 | UAVx | XYZ | 0d |
ROBOT_MODE_IN_TAKEOFF | ff | 01 | UAVx | XYZ | 0d |
ROBOT_MODE_IN_MOVETO | ff | 02 | UAVx | XYZ | 0d |
ROBOT_MODE_IN_LINE | ff | 03 | UAVx | XYZ | 0d |
ROBOT_MODE_IN_ARCH | ff | 04 | UAVx | XYZ | 0d |
ROBOT_MODE_IN_CATCH | ff | 05 | UAVx | XYZ | 0d |
ROBOT_MODE_IN_STAB | ff | 06 | UAVx | XYZ | 0d |
ROBOT_MODE_IN_RETURN | ff | 07 | UAVx | XYZ | 0d |
ROBOT_MODE_IN_LOST | ff | fe | UAVx | XYZ | 0d |
ROBOT_MODE_IN_EMPTY | ff | ff | UAVx | XYZ | 0d |
合并两个飞机代码添加TCP通信方式socat可以重定向替代解决飞机启动飞行问题结合大疆wiki解决数传问题(或者通过遥控器控制)数传测试正常增加代码注释,方便修改问题- 两架机协同扎球