Trigger Time (
- 1. About
- 2. Status
- 3. Building on windows
- 4. Building on linux
- 5. Building for android
- 6. Replacing in-game music
- 7. Running without Steam
- 8. Developer settings
- 9. Build for distribution
- 10. Modifying objects, enemies and levels
- 11. Contacts
Trigger Time is a story-driven, top-down shoot'em up with a fun gravity gun and physics puzzles to solve. Blast your way through 9 levels filled with enemies, hazards and bizarre bosses. Along the way you'll take control of vehicles, pick up weapons, items and boosters.
Check out Trigger Time steam trailer on youtube:
You can also get Trigger Time on Steam for free here:
This is 100% full source code for the game. However, due to some legal stuff it's not possible to publish some of the in-game music here on github. Those music files were replaced by "5 minutes of silence" dummy ogg files. If you want to have the music in game you'll have to install the game from Steam (for free), locate music files and overwrite those dummy oggs. More on that later in section 6.
Also, by default, Steam is required for the game to run, if you want to run the game without Steam please see section 7 below.
Download latest stable (not RC) .exe installer at
Version 3.2.3+ will do.
Run it, choose "Add CMake to the system PATH for all users", accept other defaults.
Go to
find "Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop" and press "download"
You'll need microsoft account, if you don't have one, create it and use it to download the installer.
Run the installer, accept all defaults (You may uncheck "experience improvement program" however).
Launch visual studio, don't select "sign in now", it's not necessary. Wait for first time setup to complete, you can now exit visual studio if you like.
Open cmd shell (i.e. win key + R, type "cmd"), inside the shell run:
If everything was done right, you'll see CMake generating the solution and output:
-- Build files have been written to: C:/Projects/TriggerTime/build_Win32_VS2013
Open visual studio if you haven't done so already, open C:\Projects\TriggerTime\build_Win32_VS2013\AIRFORCE.sln solution.
- Set "tt" project as active project, i.e. right-click "tt" project and select "Set as StartUp project"
- Open "tt" project properties, i.e. right-click "tt" project and select "Properties"
- Set "Configuration" to "All Configurations"
- Go to "Configuration Properties -> Debugging" and change "Working Directory" to $(ProjectDir)..\out\bin\$(Configuration)
- Press "Ok"
Now you can build and run the game in different configurations, i.e. to build in release mode choose "Release" in the topmost combox box and press "ctrl + F5"
Once the game is built you can also run it outside of IDE by simply running "C:\Projects\TriggerTime\build_Win32_VS2013\out\bin\Release\tt.exe"
Install prerequisites:
sudo apt-get install cmake libx11-dev libxxf86vm-dev libopenal-dev
./ cd ../TriggerTime-x64-release make -j4
cd ./out/bin ./tt
You can also use other scripts to generate debug, i386 and steam runtime version of the game.
Originally there was also an android build, but at some point the game became "PC only". There're still android makefiles here and there, the game code still contains touchscreen control code, android platform code, etc. So technically, with some effort, one can get the game running on android again... But for now, the build is broken, so you were warned :)
cd ./android echo "sdk.dir=/home/user/android-sdk-linux/sdk" > /home/user/android-ndk-rxx/ndk-build ant debug
adb install ./bin/AirForce-debug.apk
Multithreaded build:
/home/user/android-ndk-rxx/ndk-build -j8
Build for one arch only:
/home/user/android-ndk-rxx/ndk-build APP_ABI=x86
Build for native debugging:
/home/user/android-ndk-rxx/ndk-build NDK_DEBUG=1 APP_OPTIM=debug
Start native debugging:
bash /home/user/android-ndk-rxx/ndk-gdb --start
Due to some legal stuff it's not possible to publish some of the in-game music here on github. Those music files were replaced by "5 minutes of silence" dummy ogg files. If you want to have the music in game you'll have to:
- Go to Steam and install the game:
- If you're on windows, go to C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/Trigger Time/assets
- If you're on linux, go to /home/user/.steam/steam/SteamApps/common/Trigger Time/assets
- Copy all action*.ogg and ambient*.ogg files to ./game/assets with overwriting
The game is intended to run from Steam, so if you don't have Steam opened you'll see something like this in console:
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed. [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; unable to locate a running instance of Steam, or a local Game startup failed, see $HOME/.TriggerTime/log.txt for details
In order to fix this open config.ini and change steamApiRequired to false.
config.ini has a lot of stuff for developer to use, some of the settings are:
setting | description |
developer | an integer from 1 to N specifying debug spawn point, most of the levels have many debug spawn points that are used to check out part of the level without running through from the start. note that if you set this to a non-existent spawn point the game will simply crash in script :) |
debugKeys | if set to true in-game debug keys are enabled, such as 'p' for physics debugging, 'r' for render debugging, 'c' for culling debugging, 'g' for ghost mode, 'm' for slowmo, +/-/* for zoom, etc. |
atLeastGems | number of games that the player will always have |
allLevelsAccessible | make all levels accessible on all difficulty settings |
skill | run the game on specified skill |
Also, when debugKeys is true you can run the game like this:
tt.exe e1m4.lua e1m4.json
i.e. launch some level right away.
- If you're on windows you can select "INSTALL" project from game solution and build it
- If you're on linux you can run "make install"
This will generate game redistributable package, this includes:
- copying all the necessary things to separate directory
- precompiling all lua scripts
The resulting directory will contain everything to run the game in any environment. Game's Steam build was also made this way.
The game heavily uses R.U.B.E Box2D editor -
Though game itself is free, R.U.B.E is not free, it costs around $35. There's a demo version on website, but it can only be used for viewing scenes, not saving them.
Most of the resources that have physics (i.e. objects, props, enemies and entire levels) are stored in .rube format in games/res directory, you can open those files using R.U.B.E, modify them and then export to game/assets in json format.
For levels, there're also lua scripts that are used to drive things like cutscenes, enemy spawn, etc. Lua scripts are in game/assets directory and are named after levels, i.e. e1m4.rube level will export to e1m4.json and will have e1m4.lua level script (which in turn consists of several parts, i.e. e1m4_part0.lua, e1m4_part1.lua, etc.)
E-Mail: [email protected]