This is a simple Python scripts that (through inspection of the API list) should dynamically allow you to call any WebAPI from Steam (available on
It should be helpful for automation (think publishing builds from Jenkins, generating reports, etc), exploration (what operations / data do you have access to about your game), or manual moderation / administration.
It supports both private (i.e. "partner") APIs and public APIs. Like the, it will not list any of the partner APIs unless you provide a valid publisher key. If you have a SteamWorks account, you can find out how to create one in the SteamWorks documentation.
The only external dependency is the excellent requests package for Python.
You should be able to install however you install python libraries -- probably just pip install requests
Want to publish a build to a branch? --key=$PUBLISHER_KEY call ISteamApps SetAppBuildLive --appid=$APPID --buildid=$BUILDID --betakey=public --description="Automatically published build"
Trying to write an automated tool that verifies that a user owns your game on Steam before performing some kind of operation? --raw --key=$PUBLISHER_KEY call ISteamUser CheckAppOwnership --steamid=$STEAMUSER --appid=$APPID
Want to make some kind of automated report about the revenue of various workshop items? --raw --key=$PUBLISHER_KEY call IWorkshopService GetItemDailyRevenue --appid=$APPID --item_id=$ITEMID --date_start=$FROM --date_end=$TO
That should give you some ideas -- tons more operations are available!
λ commands ISteamNews
> ISteamNews:
GetNewsForApp v1 [GET]
* uint32 appid: AppID to retrieve news for
uint32 maxlength: Maximum length for the content to return, if this is 0 the full content is returned, if it's less then a blurb is generated to fit.
uint32 enddate: Retrieve posts earlier than this date (unix epoch timestamp)
uint32 count: # of posts to retrieve (default 20)
GetNewsForApp v2 [GET]
* uint32 appid: AppID to retrieve news for
uint32 maxlength: Maximum length for the content to return, if this is 0 the full content is returned, if it's less then a blurb is generated to fit.
uint32 enddate: Retrieve posts earlier than this date (unix epoch timestamp)
uint32 count: # of posts to retrieve (default 20)
string feeds: Comma-seperated list of feed names to return news for
* = required argument
λ call ISteamNews GetNewsForApp --appid=233250 --count=1 --maxlength=1
{u'appnews': {u'appid': 233250,
u'newsitems': [{u'author': u'jables',
u'contents': u'R...',
u'date': 1423780439,
u'feedlabel': u'Community Announcements',
u'feedname': u'steam_community_announcements',
u'gid': u'517122602977339882',
u'is_external_url': True,
u'title': u'Mid-Month Bugfix and Polish Pass',
u'url': u''}]}}
λ call ISteamApps UpToDateCheck --help
usage: call ISteamApps UpToDateCheck [-h] --appid APPID --version
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--appid APPID AppID of game
--version VERSION The installed version of the game
λ --help
usage: [-h] [--key KEY] [--verbose] [--raw] {commands,call} ...
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--key KEY, -k KEY publisher API key for SteamWorks access (https://partner. for details)
--verbose, -v print verbosely
--raw, -r print output raw (probably JSON)
λ commands --help
usage: commands [-h] [interface] [method]
list all SteamAPI commands (results will differ with & without --key)
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
λ call --help
usage: call [-h] [--method-version METHOD_VERSION]
interface method ...
call a specific SteamAPI command
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--method-version METHOD_VERSION
what version of the method to call, if there are
multiple. default is latest.