📂 Finder toolbar app to open current folder in Visual Studio Code
Now M1 Mac Supported!
Installation and usage:
- Download App
- Move Open in Code.app to /Applications/Utilities
- Go to /Applications/Utilities
- Right-click Open in VSCode.app and click Open. When the security dialog prompt appears, click Open.
- Once Visual Studio Code new window is opened, close it.
- While holding Command key, drag Open in Code.app to Finder toolbar
- Navigate to a folder you want to open with Visual Studio Code
- Click on the toolbar icon
- Folder will open with Visual Studio Code
Thanks to the original dev
#import "Finder.h" //copy is from here: https://github.com/davedelong/BetterInfo/blob/master/Finder.h
Used https://www.aconvert.com/image/ to convert png to icns