MetaClock is an integrated framework for reconstructing time-resolved evolutionary history for microbial genomes using large-scale (meta)genomics data from ancient and contemporary samples.
- Automated reconstruction of whole-genome alignment from large-scale metagenomics data using multiple reference genomes
- Automated authentication for ancient DNA origin, damaged sites removal, SNV analysis etc.
- Rich utilities for manual curation to enhance the quality of phylogenetic and molecular dating analysis
You can install MetaClock in an isolated environment using conda as follows:
conda create -n mc -c bioconda metaclock
conda activate mc
Temporarily, you can install MetaClock through a private conda channel. But this option will be replaced once bioconda channel is ready.
conda create -n metaclock -c khuang16 -c compbiocore -c kantorlab -c bioconda -c conda-forge metaclock
Due to the dependency bowtie2 is encountering tbb-related issue, after metaclock installation is completed please manually install tbb library as described below:
conda activate metaclock
conda install tbb=2020.2
You can clone the MetaClock repository from GitHub:
git clone
Please post your issues in our metaclock issues section
If you think our tool is helpful for your research please cite Note: citation source will be updated soon when manuscript is published. Thank you for your patience!