- Create a Workspace using below command:
mkdir your_ws
- Download the git repo and rename it as src.
- Copy or Cut this src folder to the created workspace.
- To build packages return to the your_ws and run the below command:
- Copy Paste the below lines to avoid sourcing and exporting model again and again.
echo "export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle" echo "source ~/your_ws/devel/setup.bash"
launch the file using below command:
roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo tb3_view_path.launch
You can see Gazebo and Rviz in the Display, buy publishing the given pose to /move_base_simple/goal, we can see the path generated from starting point to end point and we can give a simple goal using rviz and see different path for different Goals.
For now I used default setting for global planner which uses a_star, we can change and play with different algorithm.
launch the file using below command:
roslaunch turtlebot3_slam tb3_auto_mapping.launch
You can give a goal using the pink arrow in rviz and map the env.
To save the map go the the map_folder and run:
rosrun map_server map_saver -f map_name
To view the saved map:
rosrun map_server map_server map_name.yaml
Go to rivz and select the map_topic and we can see the map.
I have used Gmapping, with using gmapping its like dual test, you map as well as check the odom with gmapping.
We can use Hector SLAM as well as for simple and faster mapping needs, as it relays only on lidar data.