This Android Phonegap plugin will notify your app whenever there is a missed call. This plugin was successfully tested with Phonegap 2.9 and Android 4.2.2 (on a Samsung Galaxy Nexus device).
- Make sure you are using Phonegap >2.0
- Copy 'assets/www/js/plugin/MissedCallPlugin.js' to your project's www folder.
- Include a reference to your JS file in your index.html. (This must be done after including cordova.js)
- Copy the Java files to your platform's src folder.
- Add reference to the plugin in platform/android/res/xml/config.xml
<plugin name="MissedCallPlugin" value="org.apache.cordova.plugin.MissedCallPlugin"/>
- Ensure that the manifest file contains necessary permissions for reading the state of the phone and the call logs.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG" />
To instantiate the plugin object:
var missedCallPlugin = cordova.require('cordova/plugin/missedcallplugin');
Start the missed call receiver waiting for missed calls The success callback function will be called everytime a call is missed. The callback will receive a JSON object containing the contactName and contactNumber. You can add more fields from The error callback is called if an error occurs.
missedCallPlugin.startReception (function(msg) {
}, function() {
alert("Error while receiving call details");
Stop the missed call receiver
missedCallPlugin.stopReception (function() {
alert("Correctly stopped");
}, function() {
alert("Error while stopping the call receiver");
The source code is available here under MIT licence. Please send any bugs, feedback, complaints, patches to me at varunkumar[dot]n[at]gmail[dot]com.
-- Varun
Last Modified: Tue Jul 16 08:56:36 IST 2013