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Scalarm Storage Manager

It is a storage layer for application outputs for the Scalarm platform. It provides two services: a clustered MongoDB and a Log Bank for saving binary output from simulations within data farming experiments.

To run the services you need to fulfill the following requirements:

Ruby version

Currently we use and test Scalarm against MRI 2.3 but the Rubinius version of Ruby should be good as well.

curl -L | bash

Agree on anything they ask :)

source $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm
rvm install 2.3

Also agree on anything. After the last command, rubinius version of ruby will be downloaded and installed from source.

System dependencies

For SL 6.4 you need to add nginx repo and then install:

yum install git vim nginx wget man libxml2 sqlite sqlite-devel R curl sysstat

Some requirements will be installed by rvm also during ruby installation.

Any dependency required by native gems.


You can download it directly from GitHub

git clone

A dependency which is not provided in MongoDB - for the Linux OS you can download it with:

mv download download.tar.gz
tar xzvf download.tar.gz
mv mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.6.0 mongodb
rm download.tar.gz``

After downloading the code you just need to install gem requirements:

cd scalarm_storage_manager
bundle install

if any dependency is missing you will be noticed :)


There are three files with configuration: config/secrets.yml, config/scalarm.yml and config/thin.yml.

The "secrets.yml" file is a standard configuration file added in Rails 4 to have a single place for all secrets in an application. We used this approach in our Scalarm platform. Experiment Manager stores access data to Information Service in this file:

default: &DEFAULT
  information_service_url: "localhost:11300"
  secret_key_base: "<you need to change this - with $rake secret>"
  information_service_user: "<set to custom name describing your Scalarm instance>"
  information_service_pass: "<generate strong password instead of this>"
      # if you installed and want to use scalarm custom load balancer set to false
      disable_registration: true
      # if you use load balancer you need to specify multicast address (to receive load balancer address)
      #multicast_address: ""
      # if you use load balancer on http you need to specify this
      #development: true
      # if you want to run and register service in load balancer on other port than default
      #port: "20000"
  ## If Thin will be used without HTTPS proxy - start Thin with SSL certificates
  ## NOTE: that requires usage only "port" option in thin.yml without "socket"
  #service_crt: ./config/scalarm-cert.pem
  #service_key: ./config/scalarm-cert-key.pem

  <<: *DEFAULT

  <<: *DEFAULT

  secret_key_base: <%= ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"] %>
  information_service_url: "<%= ENV["INFORMATION_SERVICE_URL"] %>"
  information_service_user: "<%= ENV["INFORMATION_SERVICE_LOGIN"] %>"
  information_service_pass: "<%= ENV["INFORMATION_SERVICE_PASSWORD"] %>"
  # if you installed and want to use scalarm custom load balancer set to false
    disable_registration: true

In the second file, 'scalarm.yml', you put the following information in the YAML format:

# where Log Bank should store content
mongo_host: 'localhost'
mongo_port: 27017
db_name: 'scalarm_db'

  db_name: 'scalarm_monitoring'
  metrics: 'cpu:memory:storage'
  interval: 60

# MongoDB settings

# host is optional - the service will take local ip address if host is not provided
host: localhost

## MongoDB password based authentication - currently supported only by single instance
## To enable: stop database, uncomment below settings, run rake db_instance:create_auth and start instance
#auth_username: scalarm
#auth_password: hidden

# MongoDB instance settings
db_instance_port: 30000
db_instance_dbpath: ./../../scalarm_db_data
db_instance_logpath: ./../../log/scalarm_db.log

# MongoDB configsrv settings
db_config_port: 28000
db_config_dbpath: ./../../scalarm_db_config_data
db_config_logpath: ./../../log/scalarm_db_config.log

# MongoDB router settings
# db_router_host is optional - if not provided then the 'host' parameter will be taken
db_router_host: localhost
db_router_port: 27017
db_router_logpath: ./../../log/scalarm_db_router.log

The last file, 'thin.yml', is a standard configuration file for the Thin server (the Log Bank service is exposed through this server):

pid: tmp/pids/
log: log/thin.log
environment: production
socket: /tmp/scalarm_storage_manager.sock
tag: ScalarmStorageManager

Starting Storage Manager

Storage Manager launches database services (Mongo) and storage webserver (LogBank). The database service can be configured to use single MongoDB instance or multiple MongoDB shards.

Using Storage Manager with single MongoDB instance

Just one command is needed to start Storage Manager in single instance mode:

RAILS_ENV=production rake service:start_single

To stop Storage Manager:

RAILS_ENV=production rake service:stop_single

Using Storage Manager with sharded MongoDB

Storage Manager has a few services to start:

export RAILS_ENV=production

1 - MongoDB config service

rake db_config_service:start

2 - MongoDB instance

rake db_instance:start

3 - MongoDB router

rake db_router:start

3 - Storage Manager Log Bank

rake log_bank:start

Instead of starting all services manually, you can use single command:

RAILS_ENV=production rake service:start

LogBank HTTP proxy

With the configuration as above Storage Manager Log Bank will be listening on linux socket. To make it available for other services we will use a HTTP server - nginx - which will also handle SSL. To configure NGINX you basically need to add some information to NGINX configuration, e.g. in the /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf file.

upstream scalarm_storage_manager {
  server unix:/tmp/scalarm_storage_manager.sock;

server {
  listen 20000 ssl;
  client_max_body_size 0;

  ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/server.crt;
  ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/server.key;

  ssl_verify_client optional;
  ssl_client_certificate /etc/grid-security/certificates/PolishGrid.pem;
  ssl_verify_depth 5;
  ssl_session_timeout 30m;

  location / {
    proxy_pass http://scalarm_storage_manager;

    proxy_set_header SSL_CLIENT_S_DN $ssl_client_s_dn;
    proxy_set_header SSL_CLIENT_I_DN $ssl_client_i_dn;
    proxy_set_header SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY $ssl_client_verify;
    proxy_set_header SSL_CLIENT_CERT $ssl_client_cert;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https; # New header for SSL


To check if Storage Manager Log Bank started successfully you can check the status method:

curl -k https://localhost:20000/status
Hello world from Scalarm LogBank, it's 2014-04-30 17:01:45 +0200 at the server!

One last thing to do is to register Storage Manager Log Bank in the Scalarm Information Service. With the presented configuration (and assuming we are working on a hypothetical IP address we just need to:

curl -k -u scalarm:scalarm -F "address=" https://localhost:11300/storage_managers

When running in a production-like environment please replace the secret token in the config/initializers/secret_token.rb with the value generated by:

rake secret
