Experiment Manager is the main component of the Scalarm platform. It provides core functionalities and User Interfaces necessary to conduct data farming experiments according to the following workflow:
- input parameter space definition,
- simulations execution (scheduling workers onto Clouds, Grids, etc.)
- monitoring the experiment progress and extending the initial parameter space if necessary,
- analyse results of the finished simulations.
To run core Scalarm functionality with no headache you can use Docker. Scalarm has two external dependencies: MongoDB and Redis. You can run everything with a few commands:
docker run -d --rm --name scalarm-mongo -v $HOME/scalarm-db:/data/db mongo:3.4.1 --storageEngine wiredTiger
keep in mind that if you move from previous version you may need to use previous storageEngine - mmapv1.
docker run -d --rm --name scalarm-redis redis
To run Scalarm you need to provide 2 configuration files: secrets.yml and mongoid.yml . Take a look at examples in the config folder. You can run Scalarm Experiment Manager with the following command, cnce config files are ready in your current directory.
docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 --name scalarm --link scalarm-mongo:mongo --link scalarm-redis:redis -v $PWD/secrets.yml:/scalarm/config/secrets.yml -v $PWD/mongoid.yml:/scalarm/config/mongoid.yml dkrol3/scalarm:latest
You can set RAILS_ENV to production if you intend to use it heavily. In this case please use https and a reverse proxy like NGINX.
To run Scalarm tests use the following command on your running Scalarm container:
docker exec -it scalarm bash -c "source /etc/profile; rake test"
To run the services you need to fulfill the following requirements:
Currently we use and test Scalarm against MRI 2.3.x but other Ruby versions should be good as well.
Please install Ruby with RVM as described on http://rvm.io/
\curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby=2.3
Follow installation instructrions and reload shell on the end if necessary.
- curl
- R
- gsissh
- sysstat (mpstat/iostat)
- any dependency required by native gems
Optionally you will need also mongos, but it will be fetched automatically if it's not found and if you use "rake db_router:setup".
Some requirements will be installed by rvm also during ruby installation.
Add Globus Toolkit repository to enable grid support: http://toolkit.globus.org/ftppub/gt6/installers/repo/globus-toolkit-repo_latest_all.deb
Then use this one-liner to install dependencies:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install curl r-base-core sysstat gsi-openssh-clients
For SL 6.4 you need to add nginx repo and then install:
yum install git vim nginx wget man libxml2 sqlite sqlite-devel R curl sysstat
You can download it directly from GitHub
git clone https://github.com/Scalarm/scalarm_experiment_manager
After downloading the code you just need to install gem requirements:
cd scalarm_experiment_manager
bundle install
if any dependency is missing you will be noticed :)
To check if all dependencies are meet, and install Scalarm external modules please use:
rake db_router:setup
rake service:setup
There are two files with configuration: config/secrets.yml and config/puma.rb.
The "secrets.yml" file is a standard configuration file added in Rails 4 to have a single place for all secrets in an application. We used this approach in our Scalarm platform. Experiment Manager stores access data to Information Service in this file:
default: &DEFAULT
## cookies enctyption key - set the same in each ExperimentManager to allow cooperation
secret_key_base: "<you need to change this - with $rake secret>"
## InformationService - a service locator
information_service_url: "localhost:11300"
information_service_user: "<set to custom name describing your Scalarm instance>"
information_service_pass: "<generate strong password instead of this>"
## uncomment, if you want to communicate through HTTP with Scalarm Information Service
# information_service_development: true
## Database configuration
## name of MongoDB database, it is scalarm_db by default
db_name: 'scalarm_db'
## key for symmetric encryption of secret database data - please change it in production installations!
## NOTICE: this key should be set ONLY ONCE BEFORE first run - if you change or lost it, you will be UNABLE to read encrypted data!
db_secret_key: "QjqjFK}7|Xw8DDMUP-O$yp"
## Uncomment, if you want to communicate through HTTP with Scalarm Storage Manager
# storage_manager_development: true
## Configuration of optional Scalarm LoadBalancer (https://github.com/Scalarm/scalarm_load_balancer)
# if you installed and want to use scalarm custom load balancer set to false
disable_registration: true
# if you use load balancer you need to specify multicast address (to receive load balancer address)
#multicast_address: ""
# if you use load balancer on http you need to specify this
#development: true
# if you want to register service in load balancer with other host than default
#host: localhost
# if you want to run and register service in load balancer on other port than default
#port: "3000"
## Uncomment "anonymous_user" block to create and use default user
# login: 'anonymous'
# password: 'anonymous'
## Configuration of ExperimentManager machine monitoring, uncomment to enable
# db_name: 'scalarm_monitoring'
# interval: 30
# metrics: 'cpu'
## CA/certificate path of ExperimentManager server to allow secure communication to it
## from other services
#certificate_path: "/path/to/ca_for_information_service.pem"
## If you use HTTPS connections but don't have valid certificates (eg. self-signed)
#insecure_ssl: true
## if you want to communicate with Storage Manager using a different URL than the one stored in Information Service
#storage_manager_url: "localhost:20000"
## if you want to pass to Simulation Manager a different URL of Information Service than the one mentioned above
#sm_information_service_url: "localhost:37128"
## In production environments some settings should not be stored in configuration file
## for security reasons.
secret_key_base: <%= ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"] %>
information_service_url: "<%= ENV["INFORMATION_SERVICE_URL"] %>"
information_service_user: "<%= ENV["INFORMATION_SERVICE_LOGIN"] %>"
information_service_pass: "<%= ENV["INFORMATION_SERVICE_PASSWORD"] %>"
db_secret_key: "<%= ENV["DB_SECRET_KEY"] %>"
The example file is placed in config/secrets.yml.example and will be copied to config/secrets.yml if there is no configuration.
In the "config/puma.rb" configuration of the PUMA web server is stored:
bind 'unix:///tmp/scalarm_experiment_manager.sock'
threads 1,8
pidfile 'puma.pid'
stdout_redirect 'log/puma.log', 'log/puma.log.err', true
The example file is places in config/puma.rb.example and will be copied to config/puma.rb if there is no configuration.
To start/stop the service you can use the provided Rakefile:
export RAILS_ENV=production
rake service:start
rake service:stop
Please remember to set RAILS_ENV=production when running in the production mode.
Before the first start (in the production mode) of the service you need to compile assets:
rake service:non_digested
With the configuration as above Experiment Manager will be listening on linux socket. To make it available for other services we will use a HTTP server - nginx - which will also handle SSL.
To configure NGINX you basically need to add some information to NGINX configuration, e.g. in the /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf file.
upstream scalarm_experiment_manager {
server unix:/tmp/scalarm_experiment_manager.sock;
server {
listen 443 ssl default_server;
client_max_body_size 0;
ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/server.crt;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/server.key;
ssl_verify_client optional;
ssl_client_certificate /etc/grid-security/certificates/PolishGrid.pem;
ssl_verify_depth 5;
ssl_session_timeout 30m;
location / {
proxy_pass http://scalarm_experiment_manager;
proxy_set_header SSL_CLIENT_S_DN $ssl_client_s_dn;
proxy_set_header SSL_CLIENT_I_DN $ssl_client_i_dn;
proxy_set_header SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY $ssl_client_verify;
proxy_set_header SSL_CLIENT_CERT $ssl_client_cert;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https; # New header for SSL
# it is also needed to force HTTPS
server {
listen 80;
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
One last thing to do is to register Experiment Manager in the Scalarm Information Service. With the presented configuration (and assuming we are working on a hypothetical IP address we just need to:
curl -k -u scalarm:scalarm --data "address=" https://localhost:11300/experiment_managers
When running in a production-like environment set the SECRET_KEY_BASE environment variable to the value generated by:
rake secret
In production mode, some options are read from environmental variables. For above configuration files, that can be for example:
export SECRET_KEY_BASE="<a value generated by rake secret>"
export INFORMATION_SERVICE_URL="localhost:11300"
export INFORMATION_SERVICE_PASSWORD="some_secret_password"
export DB_SECRET_KEY="some_secret_keys_used_for_db_encryption"
To check if Experiment Manager has been installed correctly just start the service and open a web browser and go the login page:
Every time you want to update this service, please shut down service with rake service:stop
update git repository with git pull
and get new Scalarm external packages with rake service:update
. Then You can start service with git service:start
Instead of using precompiled binaries, you can build Scalarm Simulation Manager and Scalarm Monitoring packages.
Needed dependencies:
- git
- go (https://golang.org/dl/)
- you should build cross compilers for linux 386 and linux amd64: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12168873/cross-compile-go-on-osx
To fetch codes from git and start build, use:
rake build:all