An online platform where individuals or groups publish content on various topics in a reverse chronological order with the most recent posts appearing first. It contains features like text, images in their blogs. Readers can like and leave comments. This project uses ReactJs(Vite) for the frontend and NodeJs(Express) for Backend Server and MongoDb as Database.
This javascript based application allows users to create an account on the site, browse though all the post , comment on the posts ,edit and like the comments.
The admins has greater access ,primarily can see how many users are in the site with how many currently active and commenting accross the time period of a month, with permissions to delete comments ,post and profile of other users for smoother control and maintainance over the site.
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file.
For BACKEND (In Root Directory)-
For FrontEnd (Inside client Folder)-
To install the node modules used in the project,
npm i
npm install
in both client directory (frontend) & in root directory(backend server)
To run this project in local server,
npm run dev
in both client directory (frontend) & in root directory(backend server)
- Login Page via email-password or Firebase
- LightMode/DarkMode
- Active DashBoard for Users, Post- access & control
- A customised search layout to search required post as and when needed
- Commments,Edits,Like ,Delete added for comments.
- Backend encrypted database for user details,posts,comment .