This is an Express Server API Project that provide end points for JSON Patching (See More About That Here) and Image Resizing.
A Live Demo API Server is @ . Just know it takes few seconds to heroku instance to fire up for the first time.
This project use Travis CI/CD pipeline with Docker Containerization, Kubernetes and Automated Testing for Continues Deployment.
FrontEnd | BackEnd | Tools | Other |
- | NodeJS + Express | Jest + Supertest | Docker + Heroku |
Passport + BCryprt + JWT | ESLint + Prettier | TravisCI + CodeCov | |
JSON Patch | Postman | ||
Sharp | |||
Husky |
- Just run
npm run docker:dev:run
. It will install and run all the dependencies and services need to run this project. Then you can interact with the program through http://localhost:4000. - Use
npm run docker:dev:stop
to stop Docker containers gracefully with services, and volumes andnpm run docker:dev:test
to test inside the container. - Also already built "Docker Images" of this project can be found in here. (Remember to Pass required enviroment variable.)
- Run
npm install
to install dependencies. - Then run
npm start
. - Normally you can interact with program through http://localhost:4000.
npm test
- Run full test suite with coverage. (Unit + Integration)npm run test:unit
- Only run unit tests in watch mode.npm run test:integration
- Only run integration tests in watch mode.npm run test:watchAll
- Run all tests in watch mode.
- Just run
npm run debug
. - Then You know the rest. Happy Debugging. 😄
- Using "Husky" git hooks, this app is configured to automatically takes care of "Linting/Code Formatting" with "ESLint" and "Prettier" when code commits happen.
- But If you want to run manually just run
npm run lint
{ token: "123dfsd$@#$Ddfcv', document : { "firstName": "Ron", "lastName": "Weasly"}, patch: [{ "op": "replace", "path": "/firstName", "value": "Harry"}, { "op": "add", "path": "/hobbies", "value": ["spelling, quidditch"]}, { "op": "remove", "path": "/lastName"}] }
{ "success": true, "patchedDocument": { "firstName": "Harry", "hobbies": ["spelling, quidditch"] }
Path | Request Type | Request Body | Sucess Response Body | Failure Response Body | Description |
/ | GET | -- | {"success: true"} |
{success: false, errMsg: "ERROR_DES"} |
Root path. User get confirmation about server is alive and connection is succssful. |
/auth/login | POST | {username: "ANY_USERNAME", password:"ANY_PASSWORD" |
{"success: true, token:"YOUR_TOKEN", username:"YOUR_USERNAME"} |
{success: false, errMsg: "ERROR_DES"} |
By Login in here, Users can get TOKEN that need to access protectd endpoints such as "/json/patching", "/image/thumbnail", etc.. Generated token is valid for one hour. |
/auth/tokenValidator | POST | {token: "TOKEN"} |
{success: true, msg:"STATUS", iat:"ISSUE_DATE", exp:"EXPIRED_DATE", username:{USERNAME} |
{success: false, errMsg: "ERROR_DES"} |
By providing existing token user can check whether its expired or not, and other details. |
/json/patch | POST | {token "VALID_TOKEN", document:"VALID_JSON_OBJECT", patch:"VALID_JSON_ARRAY" |
{success: true, pathcedDocument: "PATCHED_JSON_DOC"} |
{success: false, errMsg: "ERROR_DES"} |
When Valid Token, JSON Object and Array of JSON Patch opertaion provided user get Patched JSON Object according provided values. See more details here. |
/image/thumbnail | POST | {token "VALID_TOKEN", imageURL:"VALID_URL", width:"WIDTH_PX", height:"HEIGHT_PX" |
{ RESIZED IMAGE AS SPECIFIED } | {success: false, errMsg: "ERROR_DES"} |
When Valid Token, ImageURL, width(Not Required - Default 50px), height(Not Required - Default 50px) provided user get rezied image as specified. |