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NodeJS, Express Server API Project that provides endpoints for JSON Patching and Image Resizing. Users first need to get an authorized token by login and use that token for other requests. The project does complete CI/CD by using multiple testings (Unit/Integration) and Docker.

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JSON Patch API Project

This is an Express Server API Project that provide end points for JSON Patching (See More About That Here) and Image Resizing.

A Live Demo API Server is @ . Just know it takes few seconds to heroku instance to fire up for the first time.

Project Build Dashboards

This project use Travis CI/CD pipeline with Docker Containerization, Kubernetes and Automated Testing for Continues Deployment.

Used Technologies

FrontEnd BackEnd Tools Other
- NodeJS + Express Jest + Supertest Docker + Heroku
Passport + BCryprt + JWT ESLint + Prettier TravisCI + CodeCov
JSON Patch Postman

How To Run


  • Just run npm run docker:dev:run. It will install and run all the dependencies and services need to run this project. Then you can interact with the program through http://localhost:4000.
  • Use npm run docker:dev:stop to stop Docker containers gracefully with services, and volumes and npm run docker:dev:test to test inside the container.
  • Also already built "Docker Images" of this project can be found in here. (Remember to Pass required enviroment variable.)


  • Run npm install to install dependencies.
  • Then run npm start.
  • Normally you can interact with program through http://localhost:4000.

NOTE : Make sure ".env" file is filled with necessary values.

How To Test

  • npm test - Run full test suite with coverage. (Unit + Integration)
  • npm run test:unit - Only run unit tests in watch mode.
  • npm run test:integration - Only run integration tests in watch mode.
  • npm run test:watchAll - Run all tests in watch mode.

How To Debug

  • Just run npm run debug.
  • Then You know the rest. Happy Debugging. 😄

How To Lint

  • Using "Husky" git hooks, this app is configured to automatically takes care of "Linting/Code Formatting" with "ESLint" and "Prettier" when code commits happen.
  • But If you want to run manually just run npm run lint.

API Usage Example

# JSON Patching - /json/patch

  • URL -

        token: "123dfsd$@#$Ddfcv',
        document : { "firstName": "Ron", "lastName": "Weasly"},
        patch:  [{ "op": "replace", "path": "/firstName", "value": "Harry"},
                 { "op": "add", "path": "/hobbies", "value": ["spelling, quidditch"]},
                 { "op": "remove", "path": "/lastName"}]

        "success": true,
        "patchedDocument": {
          "firstName": "Harry",
          "hobbies": ["spelling, quidditch"]

API Summery

Path Request Type Request Body Sucess Response Body Failure Response Body Description
/ GET -- {"success: true"} {success: false, errMsg: "ERROR_DES"} Root path. User get confirmation about server is alive and connection is succssful.
/auth/login POST {username: "ANY_USERNAME", password:"ANY_PASSWORD" {"success: true, token:"YOUR_TOKEN", username:"YOUR_USERNAME"} {success: false, errMsg: "ERROR_DES"} By Login in here, Users can get TOKEN that need to access protectd endpoints such as "/json/patching", "/image/thumbnail", etc.. Generated token is valid for one hour.
/auth/tokenValidator POST {token: "TOKEN"} {success: true, msg:"STATUS", iat:"ISSUE_DATE", exp:"EXPIRED_DATE", username:{USERNAME} {success: false, errMsg: "ERROR_DES"} By providing existing token user can check whether its expired or not, and other details.
/json/patch POST {token "VALID_TOKEN", document:"VALID_JSON_OBJECT", patch:"VALID_JSON_ARRAY" {success: true, pathcedDocument: "PATCHED_JSON_DOC"} {success: false, errMsg: "ERROR_DES"} When Valid Token, JSON Object and Array of JSON Patch opertaion provided user get Patched JSON Object according provided values. See more details here.
/image/thumbnail POST {token "VALID_TOKEN", imageURL:"VALID_URL", width:"WIDTH_PX", height:"HEIGHT_PX" { RESIZED IMAGE AS SPECIFIED } {success: false, errMsg: "ERROR_DES"} When Valid Token, ImageURL, width(Not Required - Default 50px), height(Not Required - Default 50px) provided user get rezied image as specified.


NodeJS, Express Server API Project that provides endpoints for JSON Patching and Image Resizing. Users first need to get an authorized token by login and use that token for other requests. The project does complete CI/CD by using multiple testings (Unit/Integration) and Docker.







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