This is an adaptation on the docker-compose-v2.yml file from the zabbix-xxl repository. Beneath you can see information about the original project.
The docker-compose file is located in Dockerfile/zabbix-xxl/samy/ So go to the directory
$ git clone && cd zabbix-xxl/Dockerfile/zabbix-xxl/samy
Put your existing certificates for encryption and client authentication in ./certificates. There are already some example certificates available for the zabbix.vikingco.local domain. You will likely see a https if you don't import your own certificate.
Put all the existing certificatekeys in ./certificatekeys
Change the api keys in the alertscripts/ script, full zabbix configuration guide for slack can be found on the repository from the original author. It works great.
Change the hostname in nginx/nginx.config.
And start everything with docker-compose
$ docker-compose up -d
Now import the client certificate client.p12 in your browser and go to your server IP or localhost. The browser will ask for the certificate .
If you plan to use self-signed certificates, here are some commands that might be usefull
openssl pkcs12 -export -clcerts -in client.crt -inkey client.key -out client.p12
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in client.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -set_serial 03 -out client.crt
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in client.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -set_serial 01 -out client.crt
openssl req -new -key client.key -out client.csr
openssl genrsa -des3 -out client.key 1024
Zabbix XXL is a standard Zabbix prepared for Docker world. You must install Zabbix package (rpm, deb, ...) in the old world. Similarly you need to pull Zabbix Docker image in the Docker world. This Docker image contains standard Zabbix + additional XXL (community) extensions. Routine tasks such as import of Zabbix DB are automated, so it's prepared for easy deployment.
If you like or use this project, please provide feedback to author - Star it ★.
Overview of Monitoring Artist (dockerized) monitoring ecosystem:
- Zabbix XXL - standard Zabbix 3.x server/proxy/UI/snmpd/java gateway with additional XXL extensions
- Zabbix agent XXL - Zabbix 3.0 agent with Docker (Mesos/Chronos/Marathon) monitoring and systemd monitoring
- Zabbix templates - tiny (5MB) image for easy template deployment of selected Zabbix monitoring templates
- Zabbix extension - all templates - storage image for Zabbix XXL with 200+ community templates
- Kubernetized Zabbix - containerized Zabbix cluster based on Kubernetes
- Grafana XXL - dockerized Grafana with all community plugins
- Grafana dashboards - Grafana dashboard collection for AWS and Zabbix
- Monitoring Analytics - R statistical computing and graphics for monitoring from data scientists
- Docker killer - Docker image for Docker stress and Docker orchestration testing
See README of zabbix-xxl for more details.
Compiled Zabbix (server, proxy, agent, java gateway, snmpd daemon) with almost all features (MySQL support, Java, SNMP, Curl, Ipmi, SSH, fping) and Zabbix web UI based on CentOS 7, Supervisor, Nginx, PHP. Image requires external MySQL/MariDB database (you can run MySQL/MariaDB as a Docker container). Integated XXL extensions: Searcher, Grapher, Zapix, template auto import, API command/script execution.
See README of zabbix-db-mariadb for more details.
MariaDB container customized for Zabbix.
2.4 is not supported version - please use 3.0 version.
See README of zabbix-2.4 for more details.
Compiled Zabbix with almost all features (MySQL support, Java, SNMP, Curl, Ipmi, fping) and Zabbix web UI based on CentOS 7, Supervisor, Nginx, PHP. Image requires external MySQL database (you can run MySQL also as Docker container).
Use docker command to see if all required containers are up and running:
$ docker ps -f
Check online logs of Zabbix container:
$ docker logs zabbix
Sometimes you might just want to review how things are deployed inside a running container, you can do this by executing a bash shell through docker's exec command:
docker exec -ti zabbix /bin/bash
History of an image and size of layers:
docker history --no-trunc=true monitoringartist/zabbix-xxl | tr -s ' ' | tail -n+2 | awk -F " ago " '{print $2}'
Run specific Zabbix version, e.g. 3.0.0 - just specify 3.0.0 tag for image:
docker run \
-d \
--name zabbix \
-p 80:80 \
-p 10051:10051 \
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
--env="ZS_DBHost=database_ip" \
--env="ZS_DBUser=username" \
--env="ZS_DBPassword=my_password" \
Recommended example how to build custom Zabbix server on top of base image is million12/docker-zabbix-server. It provides custom features, such as Push notification, Slack and SMTP auth.
Public Docker image monitoringartist/zabbix-xxl has best effort support. Please contact [email protected] for commercial support.
Our Docker images are security scanned regularly. All detected vulnerabilities are fixed*:
- Critical vulnerabilities - within 72 hours of notification
- Major vulnerabilities - within 7 days of notification
*except Zabbix security issues, which will be reported directly to Zabbix vendor
- Zabbix agent 3.0 XXL with Docker monitoring support
- Dockerized project Grafana XXL, which includes also Grafana Zabbix datasource
- Scale your Dockerized Zabbix with Kubernetes
Devops Monitoring Expert, who loves monitoring systems and cutting/bleeding edge technologies: Docker, Kubernetes, ECS, AWS, Google GCP, Terraform, Lambda, Zabbix, Grafana, Elasticsearch, Kibana, Prometheus, Sysdig, ...
- 1000+ GitHub stars
- 6000+ Grafana dashboard downloads
- 800 000+ Docker image pulls
Professional devops / monitoring / consulting services: