🦠A small editable Python script which automatically gets COVID-19 stats and creates Photoshop + Illustrator graphics
Python is a great and easy tool used increasingly by scientists and artists for scripting, however, Adobe (creator of Photoshop and Illustrator) have yet to support Python scripting.
- Python Photoshop Scripting: https://martechwithme.com/photoshop-scripting-with-python-on-windows/
- Pythoshop Python Library: https://pytoshop.readthedocs.io/
- Amazing resource, but for Javascript, VBScript and Applescript. But, I've found that almost EVERYTHING in the Javascript section applies to Python if you capitalize the first letter. E.g. in js, it is fillColor, but in normal COM/Python, it would be FillColor: https://illustrator-scripting-guide.readthedocs.io/
- Great help for general scripting, like KeySending: https://win32com.goermezer.de/microsoft/windows/controlling-applications-via-sendkeys.html
- Mouse specific events for scripting: https://automatetheboringstuff.com/chapter18/
- Adobe Illustrator official keyboard shortcuts: https://helpx.adobe.com/illustrator/using/default-keyboard-shortcuts.html
- Collaborator: @zaid13
- For authentic COVID-19 stats: https://thecoronamap.com/
- For Country Codes: https://geotargetly.com/geo-data/country-codes
- For flags: https://www.countryflags.io/
- For World Map: http://www.vectorworldmap.com/
- Photoshop 2019 or higher
- Illustrator 2019 or higher
- Python3
- More templates
- Support for GIMP and Inkscape (Open source, lightweight and easily deployable on servers)
I had to tweak the World Map a bit - I manually named all 195 layers with their corresponding country names. This is necessary for any script to recognize a country. So if you require a World Map with properly named layers, you've come to the right place. You won't find it anywhere else on the internet.
Am I the only one who names their layers?