SWEEP Documentation powered by Docusaurus
Link for production site: https://sweep-inc.github.io/DocuSWEEP/
Link for Docusaurus documentation: https://docs.sweep.run
1. If needed, clone the remote repository to your computer with
git clone https://github.com/SWEEP-Inc/DocuSWEEP.git
2. Go to the folder sweep-docs-website.
cd sweep-docs-website
3. Use
yarn start
and the website should be up and running at http://localhost:3000!
1. Run
cd sweep-docs-website
yarn build
to build your project to the build directory.
2. Run
yarn serve
to run the build directory on your local machine at http://localhost:3000 at ensure that it works. If there are errors, please fix them before deploying.
3. If you are are Windows, use
cmd /C "set "GIT_USER=<GITHUB_USERNAME>" && yarn deploy"
to deploy to GitHub pages. If you are using Linux, use
to deploy to GitHub pages and you should be done! The link should either be the default one that starts with http://sweep-inc.github.io/[project_name_here] or the one specified in static/CNAME.
1. Open up the repository in your local editor and navigate to the sweep-docs-website folder.
2. Navigate to the section you want to create your page in. If you want to create a new section, add a new folder under docs and add a new file called _category_.json. Name the folder the section name. Within this json file, add the label and the position of your new section in the sidebar. For example,
"label": "Code Examples",
"position": 4
is means that the section is called "Code Examples" and the section will appear as the fourth one down the list.
3. Now, within the folder you just created, create a new markdown file (ex. this-is-my-file.md). If needed, create frontmatter at the top of the file to specify sidebar position, the slug (file path), etc. Make sure you include the three dashes (---) to denote frontmatter properties. For example,
id: doc-markdown
title: Docs Markdown Features
hide_title: false
hide_table_of_contents: false
sidebar_label: Markdown
sidebar_position: 3
pagination_label: Markdown features
custom_edit_url: https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus/edit/master/docs/api-doc-markdown.md
description: How do I find you when I cannot solve this problem
- docs
- docusaurus
image: https://i.imgur.com/mErPwqL.png
slug: /myDoc
specifies a list of properties for the doc. See https://docusaurus.io/docs/api/plugins/@docusaurus/plugin-content-docs#markdown-frontmatter for more details.
4. Create your markdown file! All of the normal markdown rules apply.