Rich Presence for the game Space Station 13!
My Dev Discord Server | My Patreon (pls pls pls)
If you want sPeCiAl SuPpOrT feel free to contact me:
Done by SandPoot, this is an attempt of making this work better.
SPLURT info: Fork made just so we can add ourselves to this lol
- Python 3.6+?
- All the libraries in requirements.txt
Compilation steps:
- Start a python environment using
py -m venv [path to your environment folder]
- Enter such environment by running
[path to your environment folder]\Scripts\activate.bat
- Run build.bat
Download the installer here and run it. If you don't trust me, because no one seems to, compile it yourself. You could use something like pyinstaller.
- Fixed the thing that would make any byond game appear as ss13
- Add Persistence server
- Fetch server from IP instead of window title
- Add Aurora server
- Add Paradise server
- Add CM server
- Add a bunch more smaller servers
- Finish ask to join, and join through message
- Finish spectate for servers that support it (ghost mode)
- Add an auto game register on installation
- Successfully prove to people that it is not a virus (although they still wont believe you)
- Add map name to presence
- Add round time to presence
- Add player count to presence
- Add management menu (maybe)