Tweaked strength calculation to prevent incorrect creep level calculations and removed unnecessary hero level averaging.
Adjusted harass attacks to occur less frequently for less aggressive AI profiles.
Modified AI with high food use to reform less often during travel, ensuring faster progress to target locations.
Fixed future army location calculations to always be a fixed distance from the current location, preventing unnecessary town threat alerts.
(DevTools) The race_ancient_expansion_strength
setting is now obsolete and no longer used, as actual strength determines the feasibility of attacks.
Resolved edge cases where the retreat location was not set to the home town as expected.
Disabled special racial militia, ancient expand, and tower rush in team games due to hardcoded target issues.
Fixed a bug preventing all special racial expansions from running on the first expansion.
Implemented various fixes to improve the reliability of ancient expansion logic.
Corrected a bug where ancient attacks didn’t consider ancient strength in retreat calculations.
Adjusted item expansion to occur only when the AI naturally wants to expand, instead of forcing earlier expansions.
Fixed an issue where ghouls dying in an attack caused harvesting ghouls to be pulled off to fill dead or fleeing units.
Fixed an issue where harvesting ghouls were incorrectly detected as the main army.
Fixed a bug where the AI attempted to creep expansions without the capability to kill air units.
Resolved a bug in team games where AMAI could give units and buildings to defeated players upon defeat.
(DevTools) Removed the use of hardcoded IDs in expansion tracking for custom mod support.
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