Step 1 : Read the dataset and annotation file
Step 2 : Convert XML file into Dataframe and took out Head as labels, BBox, and attributes(helmet,no-helmet,mask,no-mask). Using this dataframe generate tf.recorsd for testing and training Check
Step 3 : Use TensorFlow Object Detection method to predict labels, BBox on our Dataset
Step 4 : First, Trained on Pre-trained model(Tensorflow Zoo) SSD_RESNET_50. Check head_detect_ssd_resnet_50.ipynb Results : 1.Training Time is more. It took 6 hrs train my model on colab 2.Detction threshold kept quite low 3.Not able to detect biunding box on low resolution images.
Step 5 : Second, Trained on Pre-trained model(Tensorflow Zoo) SSD_EFFDETD0. Check head_detect_ssd_effnetd07.ipynb Results : 1.Training Time is less. It took 2 hrs train my model on colab 2.Detection threshold optimum 3.Able to detect biunding box on low resolution images.
Step 6 : Models shared on this link for evaluation :=
- Don't have my own GPU. So trained on Google colab. Model take lots of time to train and my GPU quota got exhausted on a daily basis. Not able to optimize model more robust.
- Data Inconsistency in Dataset: Images of multiple sizes were present. So, While training the model detailed imformation like feature extraction is not that much good. SO thresholding of BBox kept low for detection.
- Time limit to complete two task.