Hubot-Ryver is in beta
Install the hubot generator:
npm install -g yo generator-hubot
Create base installation directory:
mkdir -p /var/www/hubot cd hubot
Run installation:
yo hubot --adapter ryver
Create startup script with relevant adapater\hubot configuration (see below) OR ./bin/hubot
Hubot-Ryver behaves the same across 1:1, Team, and Forum chats. The bot user will need to have access to the Team\Forum. Hubot will auto-join teams\forums on startup and should detect when it is added\removed from an existing or new Team\Forum.
The string 'username' of the account Hubot should connect with
The string 'password' of the account Hubot should connect with
This is the url of your Ryver app. For example:
Whether or not to use ssl for the connection. You should only disable for testing.
Valid values: yes | no
Default: yes
Whether or not hubot should auto-join to available Forums
Valid values: yes | no
Default: yes
Set log verbositiy ('debug')
The name of your bot. Used for @mention parsing
The port hubot should listen on (http server)
The interface hubot should bind to
description "Hubot Ryver"
#Assumes an installation at /var/www/hubot with permissions given to a www-data user
env PORT='5556'
env HUBOT_IP=''
env HUBOT_NAME='hubot'
env HUBOT_LOG_LEVEL='debug'
start on filesystem or runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [!2345]
chdir /var/www/hubot
#Automatically Respawn:
respawn limit 10 5
exec su -c "bin/hubot -l 'hubot' 2>&1 | logger -t hubot-ryver_service" www-data