- Kayeng Thao
- Ryan Guinn
Go into vagrant development
navigate to cd /vagrant
Run make
type: ./HexTest
NonTest Folder contains files for build with prompts
Files in the main directory have limited if any prompts
TEST(HexTest, FirstTest) { std::istringstream in1("ABC + ABC"); std::ostringstream out1; readValPrintLoop(in1, out1); EXPECT_EQ(out1.str(), ">1578\n"); }
- Begin with test stub
- create an istream with the math you want to do
- create an outstream to compare answeres with
- standard calculations will have >[number]\n format
- Run ./hexTest or do make coverage
- see results
- C++ 11
- English
- A simple hex calculator. While you will be running the tests and not the main file, it is in charge of returning hex values. Also keep in mind that with the testing enviorment, you will not be receiving the full implementation.
- Multiplcation and Exponents are very ineficant
- Some un-used code in testing version