Simple tool for browsing, inspecting, canceling SLURM jobs. Greatly inspired by mil-ad's stui. Please be aware of your cluster's rules (if any) concerning 'squeue'/'sinfo' polling request frequency. Currently a minimum of 10 seconds for a polling interval is suggested by default. If you wish to poll more frequently, do so at your own risk (per the license) and/or after consultation with your cluster admin(s). Enjoy!
git clone
cd slurmvision
pip3 install .
slurmvision --help
Press h
for information on controls while running.
A user-specific YAML file of configuration options can be read from $HOME/.config/slurmvision.yml
or the --config
CLI argument can be used to specify a config file elsewhere. A sample configuration file is shown here:
delimeter: "|||"
polling_interval: 10
getopts: null
"--Format": "JobId:|||,UserName:|||,Name:|||,STATE:|||,ReasonList:|||,TimeUsed:"
getopts: null
"--Format": "PartitionName:|||,Time:|||,CPUs:|||,Memory:|||,Gres:|||,StateCompact:"
"--Format": "JobId:|||,UserName:|||,Name:|||,STATE:|||,Reason:|||,cpus-per-task:|||,Partition:|||,TimeUsed:|||,TimeLeft:|||,SubmitTime:|||,StartTime:|||,STDOUT:|||,WorkDir:|||,ClusterFeature:|||,Feature:|||,GroupName:|||,NumCPUs:|||,NumNodes:|||,NodeList:"
select_advance: true
my_jobs_first: true
palette: null
The user configuration can also specify a specific palette using standard Urwid named colors as a nested list:
# all color specifications are represented by ["name", "fg", "bg"]
# Color of job/cluster window
- "standard"
- "white"
- "dark magenta"
# Color of header window
- "header"
- "black"
- "white"
# Color of footer window
- "footer"
- "black"
- "white"
# Color of jobs that have been selected
- "selected"
- "dark red"
- "dark magenta"
# Color of warning pop-ups
- "warning"
- "black"
- "dark red"
# Color of help messages
- "help"
- "black"
- "yellow"
# Color of detailed job info pop-ups
- "detail"
- "black"
- "white"
# Color of error pop-ups
- "error"
- "black"
- "dark red"
# Color of currently highlighted job
- "focus"
- "black"
- "dark magenta"
Any unspecified palette options will assume default options.