Backend for the Sidekick basketball app, implemented using Node.js and hosted on Heroku.
The API returns JSON data scraped from the Sidearm Sports GoPack basketball websites for both NC State Men's and Women's basketball, depending on the provided parameters.
Method GET
Name games
mensGames Configures JSON return for men's games
womensGames Configures JSON return for women's games
allGames Returns all game data for the current season, including past and upcoming games
upcomingGames Returns all upcoming game data, can be combined with CONFERENCE_GAMES parameter
pastGames Returns all past game data, can be combined with WON_GAMES, LOST_GAMES, CONFERENCE_GAMES parameters
wonGames Returns all won games, can be combined with PAST_GAMES, CONFERENCE_GAMES parameters
lostGames Returns all lost games, can be combined with PAST_GAMES, CONFERENCE_GAMES parameters
conferenceGames Returns all conference games, can be combined with PAST_GAMES, WON_GAMES, LOST_GAMES parameters
Returns all won, past games for the Men's basketball team