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Black Marble Flood: Add DM decomp and p2p tx log analysis
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Rucknium committed Oct 9, 2024
1 parent 7823fc7 commit 3dc9736
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Showing 10 changed files with 1,294 additions and 22 deletions.
575 changes: 575 additions & 0 deletions Monero-Black-Marble-Flood/code/dulmage-mendelsohn-decomposition.R

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396 changes: 396 additions & 0 deletions Monero-Black-Marble-Flood/code/p2p-log-analysis.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@

# Turn on the p2p transaction receipt logging with `set_log net.p2p.msg:INFO`
# in monerod

# First, prepare the log files for analysis
# Uncomment these lines and run them:
# install.packages("remotes")
# remotes::install_github("Rucknium/xmrpeers")
# And install hese if not already installed:
# install.packages("data.table")
# install.packages("ggplot2")
# install.packages("gt")
# install.packages("quantreg")
# install.packages("circlize")
# install.packages("skellam")

# If logs are in the standard location on the machine, do this to collect and compress the logs:

# Move the file to its final location (i.e. if the log files are in a machine
# different from the one that will do the analysis, move them) and put it in
# its own directory.

# Then the convert the log files into a data frame.
# It can be useful to restart R between each file processed.

n.files <- NA
log.file.directories <- paste0("", 1:n.files, "/")
# Trailing slash here

for (i in log.file.directories) {
output <- xmrpeers::get.p2p.log(paste0(i, "extracted-xmr-log"))
saveRDS(output, paste0(i, "p2p-gossip.rds"))

# In a new R session, start loading the log data


p2p.gossip <- list()

n.files <- NA
log.file.directories <- paste0("", 1:n.files, "/")
# Trailing slash here

for (i in log.file.directories) {
p2p.gossip[[as.character(i)]] <- readRDS(paste0(i, "/p2p-gossip.rds"))

p2p.gossip <- data.table::rbindlist(p2p.gossip, idcol = "file")

setorder(p2p.gossip, file,, time.log)

p2p.gossip <- p2p.gossip[time.p2p %between% c(as.POSIXct("2024-04-14"), as.POSIXct("2024-05-24")), ]

# Load ping data

peer.pings <- list()

for (i in log.file.directories) {
peer.pings[[as.character(i)]] <- read.csv(paste0(i, "monero_peer_pings.csv"),
header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(peer.pings[[as.character(i)]]) <- c("ip", "port", "direction", "ping1", "ping2", "ping3", "ping4", "ping5")

peer.pings <- data.table::rbindlist(peer.pings, idcol = "file")

stopifnot(sum(duplicated(peer.pings[, .(file, ip, port, direction)]) == 0))

peer.pings[, port := as.character(port)]

peer.pings$ <- apply(
peer.pings[, .(ping1, ping2, ping3, ping4, ping5)], 1, FUN = median, na.rm = TRUE)

# ****************************
# Number of unique IP addresses
# ****************************

p2p.gossip[, uniqueN(ip)]
# ^ Number of unique IP addresses in the dataset

# ****************************
# Duration of peer connections
# ****************************

hour.seq <- seq(as.POSIXct("2023-01-01"), as.POSIXct("2024-06-01"), by = "1 hour")

p2p.gossip[, hour := cut(time.p2p, hour.seq)]

p2p.gossip.hour <- p2p.gossip[, .(n.hours = uniqueN(hour)), by = c("file", "ip", "direction")]


p2p.gossip.hour[, as.list(summary(n.hours)), by = "direction"]

setorder(p2p.gossip, time.p2p)

diff.hour <- p2p.gossip[, .(diff.hour = diff(as.numeric(hour))), by = c("file", "ip", "direction")]

diff.hour.summary <- diff.hour[, .(diff.hour = 1 + sum(diff.hour > 1)), by = c("file", "ip", "direction")]
diff.hour.summary[, diff.hour := 1] # Because if there was a missing for diff(), then it only appeared once.

diff.hour.summary[, as.list(summary(diff.hour)), by = "direction"]
# ^ Number of distinct intervals it appears in the data

conn.period <- function(x) {
y <- sort(x)
conn.period <- cumsum(c(1, abs(y[-length(y)] - y[-1]) > 1))
conn.period[match(y, x)]

p2p.gossip[, conn.period := conn.period(as.integer(hour)), by = c("file", "ip", "direction")]

diff.time <- p2p.gossip[, .(diff.time = diff(range(as.numeric(time.p2p)))), by = c("file", "ip", "direction", "conn.period")]

files.for.duration <- c()

diff.time[file %in% files.for.duration, as.list(summary(as.numeric(diff.time)/ 60))]

diff.time[file %in% files.for.duration, as.list(summary(as.numeric(diff.time)/ 60)), by = "direction"]
# ^ Median duration of connections

diff.time[file %in% files.for.duration & direction == "OUT", 100 * prop.table(table(as.numeric(diff.time)/ 60 > 6*60))]
# ^ Share of outgoing connections lasting longer than 6 hours

diff.time[file %in% files.for.duration & direction == "OUT", 100 * prop.table(table(as.numeric(diff.time)/ 60 > 24*60))]
# ^ Share of outgoing connections lasting longer than 24 hours

diff.time[file %in% files.for.duration & direction == "INC", 100 * prop.table(table(as.numeric(diff.time)/ 60 > 6*60))]
# ^ Share of incoming connections lasting longer than 6 hours

diff.time[file %in% files.for.duration & direction == "INC", 100 * prop.table(table(as.numeric(diff.time)/ 60 > 24*60))]
# ^ Share of incoming connections lasting longer than 24 hours



ggplot(diff.time[file %in% files.for.duration & as.numeric(diff.time)/ 60 <= 200, ],
aes(as.numeric(diff.time)/ 60, color = direction)) +
labs(title = "Kernel density estimate of peer connection duration", x = "Connection duration (minutes)") +
geom_density(bw = 1) +
theme(legend.position = "top", legend.text = element_text(size = 12), legend.title = element_text(size = 15),
plot.title = element_text(size = 16),
plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 15),
axis.text = element_text(size = 15),
axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15, margin = margin(t = 10)),
axis.title.y = element_text(size = 15), strip.text = element_text(size = 15)) +
guides(colour = guide_legend(nrow = 1, byrow = FALSE, override.aes = list(linewidth = 5)))

# ****************************
# Transaction sent by peers multiple times
# ****************************

same.tx.sent <- p2p.gossip[, .(n.same.tx.sent = .N), by = c("tx.hash", "file", "ip", "port", "direction")]

round(100 * prop.table(table(same.tx.sent$n.same.tx.sent)), 2)
# ^ Number of times each tx was received from the same peer

setorder(p2p.gossip, time.p2p)

time.diff.same.tx.sent <- p2p.gossip[tx.hash %chin% same.tx.sent[n.same.tx.sent >= 2, tx.hash],
.(time.diff = diff(time.p2p), n.times.sent = .N), by = c("tx.hash", "file", "ip", "port", "direction")]


n.send.times.max <- 16 <- <- c()

for (i in 1:n.send.times.max) { <- time.diff.same.tx.sent[n.times.sent >= (i + 1),
.(temp = as.numeric(time.diff)[i]), by = "tx.hash"][, median(temp)] <- c(, <- c(, sum(time.diff.same.tx.sent$n.times.sent >= (i + 1)))


table.title <- "Time between duplicate transaction receipts"
label <- "table-multiple-send-p2p"

multiple.send.tex <- gt(data.table(`Number of times received` = scales::label_ordinal()(1:n.send.times.max + 1),
`Median minutes elapsed since previous time tx received` = round(, 2),
`Number of txs (rounded to 10)` = prettyNum(round(, digits = -1), big.mark = ","))) |>
tab_header(title = table.title) |>

latex.output <- multiple.send.tex |> as.character()

col.widths <- c(2.25, 3, 2.25)

latex.output <- gsub("begin[{]longtable[}][{][^\n]+",
paste0("begin{longtable}{", paste0("Rp{", col.widths, "cm}", collapse = ""), "}"),

latex.output <- gsub("caption*", "caption", latex.output, fixed = TRUE)
# Removing the "*" means that the table is numbered in the final PDF output

latex.output <- gsub("\\end{longtable}",
paste0("\\label{", label, "}\n\\end{longtable}"), latex.output, fixed = TRUE)

cat(latex.output, file = "Monero-Black-Marble-Flood/pdf/tables/multiple-send-p2p.tex")

# ****************************
# Clumping
# ****************************

clumping <- p2p.gossip[, .(temp = .N), by = c("file", "")][, round(100 * prop.table(table(temp)), 2)]

clumping <- c(clumping) # Convert from table to vector
clumping <- c(clumping[as.numeric(names(clumping)) <= 10], `> 10` = sum(clumping[as.numeric(names(clumping)) > 10]))

table.title <- "Transactions clumping in gossip messages"
label <- "table-tx-clumping-p2p"

clumping.tex <- gt(data.table(`Number of txs in message` = names(clumping),
`Share of messages (percentage)` = round(clumping, 2))) |>
tab_header(title = table.title) |>
cols_align(align = "right") |>

latex.output <- clumping.tex |> as.character()

col.widths <- c(2.25, 3)

latex.output <- gsub("begin[{]longtable[}][{][^\n]+",
paste0("begin{longtable}{", paste0("Rp{", col.widths, "cm}", collapse = ""), "}"),

latex.output <- gsub("caption*", "caption", latex.output, fixed = TRUE)
# Removing the "*" means that the table is numbered in the final PDF output

latex.output <- gsub("\\end{longtable}",
paste0("\\label{", label, "}\n\\end{longtable}"), latex.output, fixed = TRUE)

cat(latex.output, file = "Monero-Black-Marble-Flood/pdf/tables/tx-clumping-p2p.tex")

# ****************************
# How does ping time affect time to receive tx?
# ****************************


time.since.first.receipt.pings <- p2p.gossip[ file %in% unique(peer.pings$file), .(time.since.first.receipt = time.p2p - min(time.p2p),
ip = ip, port = port, direction = direction), by = c("file", "tx.hash")]

time.since.first.receipt.pings <- merge(time.since.first.receipt.pings, peer.pings)

summary(lm(as.numeric(time.since.first.receipt)*1000 ~ I(,
data = time.since.first.receipt.pings[time.since.first.receipt %between% c(0, 60),]))
# *1000 is to convert to millisecond units. /2 is to make round-trip ping into single-leg ping

summary(rq(as.numeric(time.since.first.receipt)*1000 ~ I(,
tau = 0.5, data = time.since.first.receipt.pings, method = "fn"))

# ****************************
# Tx arrival times when two logging nodes are connected to the same peer
# ****************************

unique.conn.hours <- unique(p2p.gossip[, .(file, ip, port, direction, hour)])
our.nodes.connected <- unique.conn.hours[, .(n.our.nodes.connected = .N), by = c("ip", "port", "hour")]
our.nodes.connected <- merge(our.nodes.connected[n.our.nodes.connected == 2, .(ip, hour)], unique.conn.hours)
# A few have our.nodes.connected == 3, but it is very rare and harder to analyze, so skip
our.nodes.connected <- merge(our.nodes.connected, p2p.gossip, by = c("ip", "hour", "file", "port"))

setorder(our.nodes.connected, file, time.p2p)
# Set order by file so the "first" and "second" nodes are in consistent order.
# Set next order priority by time.p2p so that the next step works properly

our.nodes.connected <- unique(our.nodes.connected, by = c("file", "ip", "port", "tx.hash"))
# Sometimes a peer sends the same transaction more than once, so eliminate the later duplicate

our.nodes.connected <- our.nodes.connected[, .(tx.hash.time.diff = diff(time.p2p), =[1], =[2],
file.1 = file[1], file.2 = file[2]), by = c("ip", "port", "hour", "tx.hash")]

our.nodes.connected[, tx.hash.time.diff := as.numeric(tx.hash.time.diff)] <- c()


# Circular density <- our.nodes.connected[tx.hash.time.diff <= 60 &
(file.1 %in% & file.2 %in%,
tx.hash.time.diff] <- ifelse( >= 0, %% 1,
abs( %% -1))
# Compute modulo <- c( - 1,, + 1)
# This gives us a "circular" support so we do not have the
# kernel density boundary issue <- density(, bw = 0.01, n = 512 * 3)$y <-$y[$x %between% c(-0.005, 1.005) ]$x <-$x[$x %between% c(-0.005, 1.005) ]


circos.par( = 90, = 0, circle.margin = 0.15)

circos.initialize(sectors = rep("A", length(, x =, xlim = c(0, 1))

circos.trackPlotRegion(ylim = c(0, max($y)), track.height = .9)

circos.trackLines(sectors = rep("A", length($x)),$x,$y,
track.index = 1, area = TRUE, col = "#999999", border = "black" )

circos.xaxis( = c(0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75),
labels = c(0, expression(frac(1, 4)), expression(1/2), expression(frac(3, 4))),
labels.facing = "downward", labels.col = "darkred", labels.pos.adjust = FALSE)

axis.marks <- c(0.5, 1, 1.5)

circos.yaxis(at = axis.marks)

for (i in axis.marks) {
circos.trackLines(sectors = rep("A", 2), c(0, 1), rep(i, 2), lty = 2,
track.index = 1 )


title(main = "One-second cycle of time difference between same\ntx received from two different nodes")
title(sub = "Fractional seconds")

# Histogram

n.subsecond.intervals <- 8
hist.range <- c(-5 - (1/2)/n.subsecond.intervals, 5 + (1/2)/n.subsecond.intervals)

skellam.points <- n.subsecond.intervals * skellam::dskellam(-20:20, lambda1 = 20, lambda2 = 20)


hist([ %between% hist.range],
breaks = seq(hist.range[1], hist.range[2], by = 1/n.subsecond.intervals), probability = TRUE,
main = "Time difference between same tx received from two different nodes",
xlab = "Time difference (seconds)")

points(-20:20/4, skellam.points, col = "red")
segments(-20:20/4, 0, -20:20/4, skellam.points, col = "red")
legend("topleft", legend = c("Histogram", "Theoretical Skellam\ndistribution"),
fill = c("lightgray", NA), border = c("black", NA), pch = c(NA, 21),
col = c(NA, "red"), bty = "n")

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