A Touch and Move game where you have to cross the mines to the end. Solo Dev game published on Play Store.
Portfolio Link -> Tank Base Portfolio
The primary goal for me in this project was -
Implement Design Patterns and OOPS
Implement Raycast for touch point and wall break
Implement Nav Mesh Agent for Tank Movement
Implement Particle effects for tank blast effect
Looking at the folder structure you can see the order in which I have arranged scripts. The whole idea was make codebase modular and easy to use.
For this game, I implemented 4 Design Patterns
MVC (Model-View-Controller)
Service Locator (Game Service)
Observer Pattern
Touch on the ground to move the tank. If the tank is close to a Wall it will shoot it down and you gain point. On the ground there will be Mines, so you have to move carefully
Along with that I segregated code on their use case following the OOPS concepts.
This was a extensive learning project, where I got to implement 4 design pattern simultaneously and learn and how to manage code base and establish script communication.