This is the classic minesweeper game which I have played many times but never knew how to play. Finally, I figured it out and here is my game project build with C++.
To make this game -
Project consist of Header Files and Program Files.
The files are of -
- Grid - This consist data of Grid and check for win/lose and opening grid cells
- Cells - This consist data of each cell and to store cell state/type and row/column value
- State - This consist of game state and to set/get current game state.
Docs folder consist of doxygen file where you can read the class and function definition.
Minesweeper is a classic game which everyone has played but no one knows the rule of! So here are the rules -
- You can input between 0-8 as row and column.
- When the grid opens, you will see numbers on the cell. This number represents the number of mine adjacent to current cell.
- If you open a mine, then GAME OVER.
- If you avoid all the mines, then you win.
You can download the Minesweeper.exe file and can play the game!!