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ttsreader is a text-to-speech tech wrapper & player



See published npm package


  • Web - with ttsreader's latest version: <script src=""></script>
  • Web
  • Node: npm i data-ws-hooks

How to use?

Important! This works if css defines class "hidden" as "display:none", as the hiding here works by toggling this class

- HTML Attributes

Attribute Note Example
data-ws-onclick When element is clicked - it will trigger one of the 3, in that order of precedence:
- Fire an action, like hide all elements of class x. See list of actions later.
- Fire a window.wsGlobals function
- Fire a global window function. Supports nested functions by dot notation.
- <button data-ws-onclick="hideClass:popup">Close popup</button>
- <button data-ws-onclick="signin">Sign In</button>
data-ws-src Sets a "src" attribute with its value as the "data-ws-src", so to lazy load src instead of blocking the user experience. - <iframe data-ws-src="/embedded/feedback_form.html"/>
data-ws-tab Combined with the classes: "tab-selector", "tab-selector selected", "tab-section", "tab-section hidden" it gives a tab functionality.
Important! Allows a single set of tabs per page!
<div><span class="tab-selector selected" data-ws-tab="tab1">Tab1</span><span class="tab-selector" data-ws-tab="tab2">Tab2</span></div>
data-ws-toggle-hidden-data Defines elements to be toggled 'hidden' class when a respective button is clicked. <div data-ws-toggle-hidden-data='signin-dialog'>...</div>
data-ws-toggle-hidden-button When clicked, toggle 'hidden' class on all elements that share the value in their "data-ws-toggle-hidden-data" attribute. <button data-ws-toggle-hidden-button='signin-dialog'>Sign In</button>

- Built-in onclick actions

Run as: data-ws-onclick="some_action:optional_param"

Actions Note Example
hideClass:some_class Hide all elements of class some_class. - <button data-ws-onclick="hideClass:popup">Close popup</button>
copy: Copy the value attribute of clicked element - <input data-ws-onclick="copy" type:"text" value="this will be copied"/>
copy:#some_element_id Copy the value attribute of #some_element_id element - <button data-ws-onclick="copy:#some_element_id" >Copy</button>


This is used on the following sites:


  • It sometimes hides by styling directly and sometimes by toggling "hidden" class. Inconsistent...
  • Allow more than a single set of tabs on page... Perhaps contain tabs in a parent...

How to contribute & publish updates to this package?

  • This package is published both on GitHub and on npmjs.
  • To publish an updated version - simply run npm publish, it will commit & push updates both to github and npm.


TTS engine for and others.






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