Shairport Sync is an Apple AirPlay receiver. It can receive audio directly from iOS devices, iTunes, etc. Multiple instances of Shairport Sync will stay in sync with each other and other AirPlay devices when used with a compatible multi-room player, such as iTunes or forked-daapd.
This Docker image provides an easy way to deploy Shairport Sync. Based on Alpine Linux, the image is very small and it is built for multiple platforms, making it suitable for embedded devices such as Raspberry Pi. Support for the Apple Lossless Audio Codec (ALAC) is included.
See available images on Docker Hub.
This is a fork of the project by Kevin Eye.
sudo docker run -d \
-v $PWD:/conf/ \
--net host \
--device /dev/snd \
--name shairport-sync \
rohmilkaese/shairport-sync \
-vu -c /conf/shairport.conf
Place a valid shairport.conf file in directory you run the docker run command.
version: "2.2"
container_name: shairport-sync
image: rohmilkaese/shairport-sync:latest
- ./conf/shairport.conf:/conf/shairport.conf
- /dev/snd
command: -vu -c conf/shairport.conf
network_mode: "host"
Place a valid shairport.conf file in /conf directory.