MusicProX is a app where you can search songs . Add songs to queue ,playlist and liked. And play them with the MusicProX player.
- Database Schema
- Browser Support 🌐
- Installation 🐣
- Contribution Guidelines ✒
- Things learnt during project
- How to use ? 📖
- Current Implementations 👨💻
- Future Implementations 💻
- SnapShots
Edge |
Firefox |
Chrome |
Safari |
Opera |
Edge | last 3 versions | last 3 versions | last 3 versions | last 3 versions |
Follow these steps to install this project directory:
# clone the repo
$ git clone
# go into app's directory:
$ cd Music-Pro-X
Client Setup
$ cd client
# Install dependencies
$ npm install --lagacy-peer-deps
(change server link : default set to localhost:4000)
(change google oauth cleint id in ./src/index.js)
# start client
$ npm run start
Server Setup
$ cd server
$ npm install
(create local postgres db using pgadmin and configure .env as per index.js)
# Populate db
$ cd ./db_queries
$ psql -U username -d myDataBase -a -f create_tables.sql
$ psql -U username -d myDataBase -a -f add_songs.sql
# start server
$ npm run dev
- Fork the repo on GitHub.
- Clone the project to your own machine.
- Commit changes to your own branch.
- Push your work back up to your fork.
- Submit a pull request. (Make sure you merge before you make a pull request!)
- The subject should be a short one line summary of the change you've made.
- The extended description should include a deatiled description of the changes you've made and also a list of all the files you've made changes in.
- One pull request should cater to only one change. *A change may include multiple file changes that are essential to solving the issue/change.
- At the start of the project i only knew how to use HTML, CSS, JS. but during the project i learned PostgreSQL , express(basics), APIs, HTTP requests, Postman, ReactJS.
- I learnt how to deploy website on Vercel(i used for client-side) and Render(i used for server-side).
- Faced many issues with google login and atlast resorted to use React Library for it.
- i didnt know in the start of project how to use database , that we have to deploy server and client seperately, that there is even a server side but now i have learnt about it.
- Login using BITS mail id (as the app is only for students of BITS).
- After logging in you will be redirected to the app home page where you can search songs by typing in search bar (currently we have only 18 songs).
- You can add songs to queue , playlists ( there are 3 playlists) by tapping on plus and choosing appropriate option. You can also like a song it will be added to liked songs list.
- On home you can tap on the footer component this will bring up the music player and queue list and there are options like random,loop,autoplay,etc.
- One can also remove songs from specific lists by tapping on minus sign .
- you can also play whole playlist by tapping play in playlist section it will add all songs og playlist to queue and overide the queue.
- Music player with functionalities.
- Queue,Playlists,liked features with a postgres database
- integrated google login.
- On reload when on th app page the app is breaking so need to fix it.
- Footer should also control the player like pause play and other features.
- lists like playlists and queue are only rerendering when we move to another section and come back that needs to be improved.
Devsoc's Website: