This Heroku hosted Progressive Web App (PWA) aims to provide a simple, user-friendly and straight forward experience to guide users in survival situations. With its capability to run in offline mode, users are able to navigate the app without consistent access to the internet. As most of the PWA is available without network connection, Nomad is a great app for those who may go in and out of connectivity throughout the day or are in wilderness areas where the connection is less reliable.
Nomad will assist users in finding edible plants, nearby animals and provide several survival guides. In addition, the user is able to refer to a wilderness checklist as well as add, edit and delete notes during their adventure.
Deployed Application
Future Updates
Here is an example of our app in action:
Access our deployed application here!
Download this package, open your command line interface and run npm install. This should install the following dependencies aswell: Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, and React. If for some reason, you need to install the dependencies individually run npm install "dependency_name".(see the "npm install express" example) Next run the following command to install the app:
npm install
npm install express
Note: This app is run on a Heroku server, it is not necessary to download.
If you have downloaded the repository and have cloned the package to your machine, and have installed all dependencies, begin by typing "npm start".
npm start
Testing Instructions: Currently, there are no written tests for this application, but if you wish to write your own, change the scripts property in package json file.
npm install jest
npm test
Note if you want to test server side changes more efficently, install and run nodemon using your CLI application to host your server. While running it and making changes to your directory, simply save your file and nodemon will restart the server.
npm install -g nodemon
nodemon server.js
This application is a work in progress, future updates will include:
- Offline banner message
- Ability to save maps offline
- Enhancement to the hamburger
- Incorporate Toasts to alert users
- Rich text editor for the Collapsibles
- Access to Notes page offline
Share with us with any comments or questions to help us grow! GitHub Contributors: Jeneth Diesta, Aaron Platt, Timothy Sanders, Elliott Jones, and Matthew Rogers
Code boilerplate provided by Trilogy Education & Chris Stead Thanks to Chris Stead, Elma Gonzalez, Steven Jirjis and Steven Landgraf for troubleshooting and debugging assistance.
Licensed under the MIT License lincense.
A screenshot of your Project Management Board that shows breakdown of tasks, assigned to group members with a schedule.
- ReactJS
- Node and Express Web Server
- MongoDB Database with a Mongoose ORM
- Utilized GET and POST routes for retrieving and adding new data
- Deployed using Heroku (with Data)
- GoogleMaps API
- Auth0
- React Materialize CSS
- Passport
- Axios
- #2E7D32
- #ffffff
- ##808080
- #285943
- #77AF9C
Click Here for our User Stories
- Location map:
- Plants:,
- Animals:
- Guides:
- Survival Checklist:
- Site logo:
- Background image: