The app is based on a search of Marvel characters and list the comics where it appears. This is a final project for a Globant FrontEnd bootcamp.
The app should consume the Marvel Developer public API’s .
1_ US: As a guest user, I have to see all the characters listed in the first screen Acceptance Criteria:
- Characters needs to be sorted alphabetically
- User needs to see the characters behave as a list
- As the user scrolls down, more characters should be loaded
- User has the ability to select any character from the screen and redirect to the third screen (comic list, 3_US)
- All characters in the list must have the requested information 2_US: As a guest user, I need the ability to search a Marvel character so that I can find it quickly Acceptance Criteria:
- User should see a watermark ‘Search Characters’ in the search box so that he can click on it and type
- Once user types, at least three characters it needs to show me results if there is a match
- If there are no results, a text should be shown ‘No results found’
- If user wants to clear the search, application needs to have a remove button (x) and show the first screen
- The search is based on the Character name
- User should see the search results as a dropdown list
- User should be able to select any character result of the search and redirect to the third screen (comic list)
3_US: As a user, I need the ability to see the comics list related to the character selected Acceptance Criteria:
- User should see the list of Comics, showing their image
- Clicking on the Comic image, it should redirect to the Comic Details screen (screen 4)
- A back button is needed so that user can go to the preview (first) screen
4_US: As a user, I have to see the details of the comic I selected Acceptance Criteria:
- User have to see comic details information as follows (screen 4 design)
- A back button is needed so that user can go to the preview (third) screen