- The code is tested on Ubuntu 22
- rdflib
- kdl_parser
- orocos_kinematics_dynamics
- StringTemplate
clone the repository to a workspace
mkdir -p ~/ctr_arch_ws/src && cd ~/ctr_arch_ws/src git clone https://github.com/RoboticsCosmos/controller_architecture.git
Install the dependencies: kdl_parser, yaml-cpp, rdflib
sudo apt-get install libkdl-parser-dev libyaml-cpp-dev pip install rdflib
clone and install StringTeplate in the src/controller_architecture/ path using https://github.com/antlr/stringtemplate4/tree/master
Run the following commands from the src/controller_architecture/ path
cd synthesis/ python runner_uc1.py cd ../code_generator make uc1 > ../gen/generated_code.cpp
Run the following commands from the src/controller_architecture/ path
cd synthesis/ python runner_uc2_pid.py cd ../code_generator make uc2_pid > ../gen/generated_code.cpp
Run the following commands from the src/controller_architecture/ path
cd synthesis/ python runner_uc2_abag.py cd ../code_generator make uc2_abag > ../gen/generated_code.cpp
Compile the workspace (from the src/controller_architecture/ path)
cmake -Bbuild .
Build the workspace (from the src/controller_architecture/ path)
cmake --build build
Execute the generated code (from the src/controller_architecture/ path)