A curated list of delightful ChaiScript modules and resources.
Awesome game development libraries.
- ChaiLove - 2D game framework based on Love2D
- Nymph Game Engine - 2D tiled-based game engine
- raylib-chaiscript - Raylib bindings for ChaiScript
- Spiced - Tiled-based game engine using SFML
Extensions to the ChaiScript language.
- ChaiScript Extras - Community-contributed ChaiScript modules
- imgui-chascript - ChaiScript bindings to the immediate mode graphical user interface
- QtChaiScript - ChaiScript bindings to Qt
- ChaiScript_Extras_Box2D - ChaiScript bindings to Box2D
- ChaiScript_Extras_Liquidfun - ChaiScript bindings to Liquidfun
- ChaiScript_Extras_SFML - ChaiScript bindings to SFML
- glm-chaiscript - ChaiScript bindings to GLM - OpenGL Mathematics
Articles and videos in order to learn more about ChaiScript.
- Intro to ChaiScript by Jason Turner
- Easy to use scripting language for modern C++
Editor plugins and other uses.
- Atom Language Support
- Notepad++ Language Support
- Sublime Text Language Support
- vim ChaiScript support
- VSCode ChaiScript support
- TSChai - TypeScript to Chaiscript transpiler
To the extent possible under law, Rob Loach has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.