A simple calendar app I used to improve my skills with typescript and react.
run yarn start
run yarn tests
to run the tests
run yarn build
to build the project
│ public
│ src
| |
| └─── assets # icons, images...
| └─── components # components
| | |
| | └─── inputs
| | └─── ... # rest of the componenents
| └─── hooks
| └─── providers
| └─── services
| └─── tests # test files
| └─── types # types
- typescript;
- styled-components - for styling;
- date-fns - to handle dates;
- testing library - for testing;
- Formik & Yup : for forms creation & validation.
- Store data locally to persist events between reload and reboots
- Add different layouts options to visualize dates and events