🌟 我是Zephyr X/ Hi, I'm Zephyr X 🌟
🐱 GitHub 新人,还在学习如何使用 GitHub (・ω-q)
🐾 New to GitHub, still learning how to use it.(・ω-q)
🎀 热爱设计,尤其是二次元相关设计,不过也是新人awa。
🎀 Passionate about design, especially anime-related design, but still a newbie awa.
🎮 Loves playing games, especially anime-themed ones... Yep, definitely a hardcore anime fan.
🎨 PS 层替换器 / PSLayer Replacer[https://github.com/Rinorsi/PS-Layer-Replacer]
🖌️ 批量替换 PSD 文件中同名图层内容的 Photoshop 脚本。
🖌️ A Photoshop script to batch replace the contents of identically named layers in PSD files.
🎨 设计 / Design
🎮 游戏 / Gaming