E-commerce Clothing app simulating Shopify sites
Clothing Website - Similar to Zumeiz, Pacsun, Addidas, etc Description: Create a E-commerce website that emulates the popular websites clothing websites such as Zumiez, PacSun, Addidas etc. This full stack application is my way of understanding creating full-stack application development with a microservice architecture. While this may be a overdeveloped approach, this seems like a fun experiment to test this approach
- Create microservice architecture with four simple services that interact and communicate with one another through data streams such as Apache Kafka
- User, Product, Order, Cart
- Frontend - experiment more with TailwindCSS
- Auth
- Sign-in
- Sign-out
- Salting techniques
- Pages
- User
- Cache locally with Cookies
- Info about user and order history
- Cart
- Cache cart for quick lookup
- Order
- Pre-Complete
- Complete
- History
- Product
- Information
- Ratings
- User
- Searching
- Auth
- Work with the StripeAPI to simulate purchases
- Stretch GOALS
- Recommendation system
- Create Repos for e-commerce app
- Frontend
- Micro services
- Product
- Order
- Cart
- User
- Product Service
- Setup Project
- Setup ExpressJS for this service
- Add eslint linter
- Setup unit testing with Jest
- Setup Dockerfile
- Setup OpenAPI
- Setup CICD via GitHub Actions
- CI
- Unit testing
- Linting
- Build and Scan Docker Image
- CD
- Deploy to Heroku
- Setup Database & Connection
- Create Tables
- [ ]
- Create Endpoints
- [ ]
- Setup Project
- User Service
- Setup Project
- Setup FastAPI for this service
- Add black python linter
- Setup Unit testing
- Setup Dockerfile
- Setup OpenAPI
- Setup CICD via GitHub Actions
- CI
- Unit testing
- Linting
- Build and Scan Docker Image
- CD
- Deploy to Heroku
- Setup Database & Connection
- Create Tables
- User
- Password - Hashed/Salted
- Orders
- Ratings (On Products)
- Create Endpoints
- /sign-up
- /sign-in
- /logout
- /settings
- Change name
- Password
- /orders
- pull from the orders table
- /ratings
- pull from ratings table
- Setup Project
- Cart Service
- Setup Project
- Setup Go for this service
- Add golangci linter
- Setup unit testing
- Setup Dockerfile
- Setup OpenAPI
- Setup CICD via GitHub Actions
- CI
- Unit testing
- Linting
- Build and Scan Docker Image
- CD
- Deploy to Heroku
- Setup Database & Connection
- [ ]
- Create Tables
- [ ]
- Create Endpoints
- [ ]
- Setup Project
- Order Service
- Setup Project
- Setup Nest.JS for this service
- Add eslint linter
- Setup unit testing with Jest
- Setup Dockerfile
- Setup OpenAPI
- Setup CICD via GitHub Actions
- CI
- Unit testing
- Linting
- Build and Scan Docker Image
- CD
- Deploy to Heroku
- Setup Database & Connection
- Create Tables
- [ ]
- Create Endpoints
- [ ]
- Setup Project
- Setup API Gateway
- Allow Frontend to Setup
- Setup Data Streaming
- Allow for communication between services?
- Apache Kafka? or something free
- Frontend
- Lightweight Framework
- VueJS, ReactJS, Remix, Vanilla
- Setup CICD
- CI
- Unit testing
- Linting
- Build and Scan Docker Image
- CD
- Deploy to Vercel
- CI
- Pages
- User
- Profile
- Order History Page
- Edit settings
- Ratings
- Cart
- Cache cart for quick lookup
- Order
- Pre-Complete
- Complete
- History
- Product
- One Product
- Information
- Options
- Ratings
- Products Page
- Multiple products
- Info and image
- Multiple products
- One Product
- User
- Lightweight Framework