Qwervoragrams are (I have decided) sets of word that can be typed on (at least) two different keyboard layouts using the same keystrokes.
The word is a portmanteau of 'qwerty', 'Dvorak', and 'anagram'.
This repo contains a scala application that finds qwervoragrams from a file containing a list of words. It only finds qwerty-Dvorak qwervoragrams.
Here are some of the better qwervoragrams (of the form "qwerty word, Dvorak word"):
- flossy, unroof
- kodak, treat
- hoard, drape
- maid, mace
- raid, pace
- malt, many
- lard, nape
- goal, iran
- Noah, Brad
- boat, xray
- Isis, Coco
- maud, mage
- idol, cern
- roam, pram
- paid, lace
- sods, oreo
- soap, oral
- slid, once
- card, jape
There are also a few examples where the Dvorak word is the same as the qwerty word:
- mama
- mmmm
These are called Homoqwervoragrams.
Full output from the application can be found in the file output/qwerverograms.txt
Investigation into qwervoragram phrases or sentences, or even runnable source code may be interesting.
Or pointless.
Thanks to SCOWL and friends for the word list. See res/README
for more info.
Thanks to wikipedia for the qwerty-Dvorak conversion.