Discharge is a static site builder implemented in python. It builds static sites from a folder full of Jinja2 templates, Markdown files, and other assets (js, css, images etc.). It uses pygments for syntax highlighting of <code> blocks
It is heavily plugin based - most of the functionality comes from plugins shipped with discharge.
It is currently alpha software and subject to backwards-incompatible changes.
Use your favorite install method, for example:
$ pip install discharge
Create a file in your source directory called _discharge.py (files starting with a _ or a . are ignored by discharge):
import os
from discharge.site import Site
site = Site(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), './'),
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '_build'),
from discharge.plugins.robots import RobotsPlugin
robots_plugin = RobotsPlugin()
from discharge.plugins.jinja2_templates import Jinja2TemplatesPlugin
jinja2_templates_plugin = Jinja2TemplatesPlugin()
from discharge.plugins.markdown import MarkdownPlugin
markdown_plugin = MarkdownPlugin()
Create .html, .markdown and .mdown files in the same folder and they will be processed by Jinja2 or Markdown.
Markdown files will be rendered using a template _page.html which you must provide yourself. You can use {{content}} in _page.html to get the content produced by Markdown.
You can then run discharge build to build the site or dscharge serve to run the development server.